Vielen Dank für die Kontaktaufnahme mit mir. Ive hinzugefügt Sie GenoMeds Kontaktliste, so youll Pressemitteilungen wie die bekomme ich 4. März verschickt, 2010, als ich zum ersten Mal hörte, dass die SEC-Handel in unserer Aktie ausgesetzt hatte. Die SEC-Position ist ziemlich geschnitten und getrocknet. Wir havent abgelegt mit ihnen seit 2005, und ihre Position ist, dass wir nicht eine öffentliche Gesellschaft sein sollten, es sei denn, wir fortsetzen, mit ihnen zu archivieren. Leider, Auditoren und SEC-Anwälte, ganz zu schweigen von Sarbannes-Oxley Anforderungen, kosten würde uns eine zusätzliche 100K oder so pro Jahr. An dieser Stelle können wir einfach nicht leisten, um mit unseren SEC-Archivierung Anforderungen halten. Ich hoffe, dass sich unsere finanzielle Situation bald ändert, und wir können uns wieder bei der SEC anmelden und den Handel an einer Börse fortsetzen. Im Moment haben wir keine Alternative, sondern als Non-Trading, das heißt privat, Gesellschaft fortzusetzen, bis wir genügend Geld haben, wieder bei der SEC erneut zu registrieren und wieder den Handel. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie lange das sein wird. Ich halte die Welt der Hoffnung, wird über unsere Fähigkeit, hören 90 der Dialyse zu verhindern und auch bald Tausende von Patienten haben, die uns sie weg Dialyse halten wollen. Aber das ist noch nicht passiert. Ich versuche immer, das Wort aus dem Alltag zu bekommen, wie viele von Ihnen tun. Jedenfalls versichert die SEC, dass die gegenwärtige Maßnahme unsere Chancen, sich mit ihnen zu registrieren, nicht nachteilig auswirken wird, sobald sich unsere Finanzen verbessert haben. Ich verspreche, dass Sie so genau aufbewahrt werden, jetzt, dass private waren, wie ich, als wir öffentlich waren. Ich verspreche auch, alle meine Investoren fair behandeln. Ive beauftragte den Börsenagenten, mir eine Liste der Aktionäre ab dem 3. März 2010 zu schicken, damit ich alle Ihre eMail auf unsere Vorlagenliste laden kann. Ich würde es begrüßen, wenn Sie mich selbst kontaktiert haben, zusammen mit der Anzahl der Aktien, die Sie besitzen, so dass ich Ihnen Unternehmensnachrichten senden kann, wenn ich sie an alle anderen senden. BITTE WERDEN SIE NICHT WEGEN IHRE GENOMED SHARE ZERTIFIKATE Sie benötigen sie, um Ihre vorherige Investition in das Unternehmen zu beweisen. Sie haben immer noch Wert. Auch wenn Sie nicht handeln können sie auf einer Börse wie die Pink Sheets mehr, seine vollkommen legal für Sie, um sie unter ihnen zu handeln. Beste Grüße, Dave Moskowitz MD CEO, GenoMed, Inc. 2001-2016 GenoMed. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Series / MythBusters Denken Sie daran, Kinder, MythBusters hat einen lizenzierten Pyrotechniker gemietet, um uns zu helfen, blasen stuff up. Sie sollten nie versuchen, etwas wie dieses, es sei denn, Sie haben Ihre eigene TV-Show. Gonzo-Pop-Kultur trifft Off-Beat-Wissenschaft als Adam Savage und Jamie Hyneman 8212 zwei Special Effects Jungs mit mehr als dreißig Jahren Erfahrung zwischen ihnen 8212 nehmen auf urbane Legenden, alte Mythen und große Geschichten aller Art zu entlarven (oder bestätigen) sie. Die Sendung lief von 2003 bis 2016. Adam und Jamie gewannen ursprünglich kleine Berühmtheit, als ihr Roboter Blendo ein Konkurrent auf Roboter-Kriegen dann später BattleBots war (und war so badass, dass es gezwungen wurde, sich vom Roboter-Kriege-Wettbewerb gegen Co-meisterschaft zurückzuziehen, weil es Klumpen Klötze aus dem Konkurrenten und schickte sie über die Schutzwände Schutz der Zuschauer), und Grant war auch ein bekannter Konkurrent mit seinem berühmten Mittelgewicht Roboter Deadblow. Mit Hilfe des Crack-Teams von smart-ass-Baumeistern (Künstler / Bildhauer Kari Byron, Modellbauer / Tischler Tory Belleci, Robotik-Ingenieur Grant Imahara und ehemaliger Schweißer / Metallarbeiter Scottie Chapman und temporärer Ersatz - / Metallarbeiter Jessi Combs) von Seasons 2-9, sowie Crack-Crash-Test-Dummy Buster, Adam und Jamie sorgfältig auseinandersetzen beliebte Mythen von der Legende von Archimedes solar Death Ray, um Energie zu den gängigsten Hollywood-Übertreibungen wie explodierende Autos und den Rückstoß aus einer Kugel . Sie machen jeden Mythos auf seine Komponenten-Elemente, dann wenden Sie eine goofball wissenschaftliche Strenge zur Reproduktion dieser Elemente. Jamie besitzt und fährt fort, das Spezialeffektstudio M-5 Industries zu führen, in dem er alle Ausrüstung hat, die Sie benötigen, um irgendeine Art von contraption zu errichten, die sie benötigen. Und wenn sie über etwas, das über ihre Kompetenz stoßen stoßen, rufen sie Gefälligkeiten von Hochschulen und anderen Spezialisten. Ihr Ruf hat sich bis zu dem Punkt, dass sie zu fast jedem Ort zu bekommen, weil sie eine ausgezeichnete PR (auf den Punkt, dass US-Präsident Barack Obama stellte sich auf einer Episode im Jahr 2010 erschien) 8212 einen Kontrast zu der ersten Episode, wenn Jamie Mühe versucht Erhalten eine militärische Klasse JATO Rakete, die sie beendeten, eine kundenspezifische einzulegen (oder die dritte Episode, in der Sears sie nicht im Speicher filmen ließ, als sie versuchten, ein bestimmtes Modell des Rasenstuhls aufzuspüren). Wenn eine Legende nicht ausschwingt, wie es oft tut, sie eskalieren in der Regel Dinge auf den Punkt, wo die Legenden erwartete Ergebnisse auftreten. Dieser Vorgang wird liebevoll als Mythus repliziert, dann duplizieren die Ergebnisse 8212 in der Regel an einem Punkt so weit jenseits der normalen Parameter, dass es nicht einmal im entferntesten plausibel, dass es zufällig passiert (oder zumindest, so unglaublich gefährlich, dass jeder in der Lage zu klingen Urteil würde nicht versuchen, es in den ersten Platz). Normalerweise handelt es sich bei diesen Eskalationen um explosionsartige Explosionen (wie z. B. eine populäre Episode in einer Episode im März 2005, die einen Zement-Lkw oder, besser gesagt, eine Episode im April 2009 verdampfte, wo sie ein Auto mit einem Raketenschlitten vernichteten). Nicht jeder Mythos ist gesprengt, obwohl sie 8212 glücklich sind (wenn auch oft überrascht), wenn sie beweisen, dass eine Geschichte, wie wild, doch zumindest plausibel ist. In Big Rig Mythen gelang es ihnen, alle drei Mythen zu bestätigen, und in ihrer ersten Episode, die Viralvideos gewidmet wurde, gingen die Mythen, die es zur Luft machten, vier-für-vier in der Bestätigung. Und so weit, fast jeder Mythos hat einige Kern der Wahrheit, auch wenn diese Wahrheit nicht direkt, ob der Mythos plausibel ist. Die Show hat eine geek-chic Atmosphäre, die fast unwiderstehlich ist. Teil der Attraktion ist die ungeraden Paar Paarung der Klasse Clown Adam und stilvolle Jamie, mit ihren häufigen Ausbrüchen und Wettbewerben, und die Art der intellektuellen Die Drei Stooges Vibe, die das Team zu bauen. Außerdem ist es der Humor und wacky Sinn für Spaß, mit dem sie alle über ihre Mission gehen. Sie bauten einmal ein, nicht zwei, aber drei verschiedene Maschinen, die entworfen sind, um gebutterten Toast auf dem Fußboden zu fallen. Für Weihnachten 2006 bauten sie eine Rube Goldberg Maschine, um den Feiertag zu feiern. Die Tatsache, dass Scottie, Kari und Jessi drei der attraktivsten, echt intelligenten Frauen im Fernsehen sind, tut auch nicht mit dem männlichen (oder homosexuellen) Zuschauer weh. Grant und Tory haben auch ihre Fans. (Diese Serie ist ein leuchtendes Beispiel für Geeky ist Sexy.) Grant hat eine wachsende Fanbase in der Steampunk Gemeinschaft, die sogar in einer Webisode der Abenteuer der Liga von S. T.E. A.M. Und Gebäude ein Roboter Ringbearer für die Steampunk Hochzeit von zwei ihrer Mitglieder. Im Jahr 2010 lud die Show redux Versionen von bestimmten älteren Episoden, wie Busters Cuts, die auf dem Bildschirm Pop-ups mit Hinter-den-Szenen-Notizen, Bits von Humor und Trivia Features und Punkte über den Mythos getestet, dass es nicht machen Über die Episode. Darüber hinaus wurden Inhalte aus älteren Episoden auch recut, um in den mehr kinderfreundliche Head Rush verwendet werden. Die auf Discovery Kids (später auf den Science Channel verschoben, wenn Discovery Kids wurde die Hub). Sie haben keine offizielle Ausbildung in wissenschaftlichen Experimenten, sondern sind nur in Technik, Modellbau, Konstruktion und Spezialeffekten geschult (vor Beginn der Show war Jamies M5 Industries ein gefragter Modellbauer, und Adam, Grant und Tory arbeiteten Für ILM). Wegen dessen tragen sie ein Bild des Seins Eins von uns ihre Reaktionen sind viel wie regelmäßige Leute. Hier einige Beispiele für den Dialog. Die Show hat sieben Emmy-Nominierungen erhalten (2009-2015, keine Siege) und ist leicht eines der beliebtesten Programme auf dem Discovery Channel. Doch im Oktober 2015, Savage amp Hyneman angekündigt, das Ende der Show, mit dem Lauf der Episoden Ausstrahlung im Frühjahr 2016, um die letzte sein. Die Dreharbeiten erfolgten am 11. November 2015 und das Serienfinale am 5. März 2016. Eine letzte regelmäßige Episode wurde am nächsten Abend im Science Channel uraufgeführt und Wiederholungen der gesamten Serie wurden in dieses Netzwerk verlegt. Dann am 31. März 2016, The Science Channel, dass sie planen, die Show wieder zu beleben. Zuerst als Reality-TV-Serie (vorläufig betitelt Suche nach dem nächsten Mythbusters, später umbenannt zu Mythbusters: The Search), bevor er in das alte Format (vorläufig mit dem Titel Mythbusters: The Next Generation) zurückschnappte. Viele sind unsicher, wenn seine ein Aprilscherz Tag Streich den Tag der Ankündigung gegeben. Doch angesichts der Tatsache, dass die Ankündigung von vielen hochkarätigen Websites durchgeführt wurde und es gab keine Rücknahme, seine sicher zu glauben, dass die Show wiederbelebt wurde. Ab September 2016, Details der neuen Serie beginnt zu lecken out - die Suche ist gehostet von Nerdist-Editor Kyle Hill, dass die Dreharbeiten im Gange ist, und dass es Luft im Jahr 2017. Wie mit Shows, die Reboots und Änderungen, sind die Gedanken Geteilt in Bezug auf diesen Schritt. Wir empfehlen dringend, dem Reboot eine Chance zu geben, sich vor dem Urteilsvermögen zu beweisen. Später im August 2016 beauftragte Netflix Beyond International Group, die Firma hinter Mythbusters, Kari, Tory und Grant zu einem spirituellen Nachfolger der Show namens White Rabbit Project 1 zu führen. Die sich auch auf Legenden und Theorien konzentrieren wird, aber anstatt sich darauf zu konzentrieren, sie zu zerschmettern, sucht die Show sie zu validieren. Die Show Premiere mit 10 Episoden am 9. Dezember 2016, auf Netflix. Hinweis, wie dies möglich ist, da Mythbusters ist exklusiv für Hulu in den USA und Japan, hat Netflix einen Deal mit Beyond International Group zu tragen Mythbusters in Regionen, in denen Hulu nicht verfügbar ist. Adam und Jamie gingen auf der Straße für eine Reihe von Hinter den Mythen Touren (a / k / a MythBusters Live), aber mit dem Ende der Show, sie haben die Touren auch beendet, mit ihnen zu sein scheinen (gütlich ) Ihre getrennten Wege. Troping in drei Two One: öffnen / schließen Sie alle Ordner Abnormal Ammo. Die erstaunliche Menge der merkwürdigen Sachen, die sie modifizierte Luftkanonen oder - gewehre zum Feuer, unter anderem (sehen Sie die trope Seite für spezifische Beispiele). Sie haben sogar Käse probiert. Und es tatsächlich funktionierte. Adam. Ist dieses ehrfürchtige oder was wir alle drei der ShockWatch Aufkleber ausstießen, die uns etwas erzählen, das wir häufig hier bei MythBusters erlernen. Tägliche Gegenstände können in der Tat tödlich sein, wenn Jamie eine Pistole baut, um sie zu erschießen. Absentee Schauspieler. Jessi Kämme füllte für Kari während ihres Mutterschaftsurlaubs ein. Akzeptable Brüche aus der Wirklichkeit. Es gibt ein paar Momente, in denen die MythBusters einen Mythos testen und zugeben, dass sie die Grenzen, wie es hätte passieren können, ausdehnen konnten, weil einige Mythen rein darüber sind, ob es überhaupt getan werden könnte, nicht, ob es in der genauen Weise erreicht werden könnte Behauptete im Mythos. Zum Beispiel, wenn sie versuchen, eine Armbrust aus Papier zu bauen, während sie sich im Gefängnis aufhielten, hielten sie es für einen Häftling, einen Plastiklöffel zu rasieren, indem er ihn gegen die Zellwand schabte, um ihn als Spitze des Pfeils zu verwenden. Daher stimmten sie zu, dass sie einen Tischschleifer verwenden könnten, um das Gleiche im Interesse der Zeitersparnis zu tun. Lampshaded in der Flucht aus Alcatraz-Episode: Ein weiterer Lampenschirm in der Tree Cannon Mythos: Adam: Im nicht alles tun, was die Paks wouldnt getan haben, wenn theyd hatte eine Kettensäge. Akustische Lizenz. In einer Episode übernehmen sie die berüchtigte Freefall-Konversationsszene von Point Break (1991), indem sie einen weiteren Skydiver versuchen Grant zu erzählen, meinen Fingerwitz im freien Fall zu ziehen. Der Witz war völlig unhörbar, was beweist, der Film spielte die Trope sehr, sehr gerade. Handlungsversicherung Gag. Sie oft Witze über dieses Recht vor dem Abriss / Schlag etwas auf. Eine kommende nächste Klappe kennzeichnete ein Auto, das von einem Kran hängt und Kari mit dem schnellen Freigabekabel, das sagt, herauszufinden, warum wir nicht Kfz-Versicherung erhalten können. Auf einer ernsteren Anmerkung trägt die Show einige ziemlich kräftige Versicherung für, wenn ein Test schief geht , Und sie mussten ein paar Mal zahlen. Die Alcatraz. Die Alcatraz, in einer Episode, wo die ein-und-nur erfolgreiche (in Bezug auf Ausstieg aus der Insel) konnte es gelingen, im Sinne der Erreichung trockenen Land. Eigentlich ziemlich lustig. Jamie äußert sich oft zu Ärgernis (oder zumindest Gleichgültigkeit) bei Adams Mätzchen und Witzen, so dass ein bedeutendes Ereignis, wenn Adam tatsächlich bekommt Jamie zu kämpfen, um seine Fassade zu halten. Zum Beispiel: beim Testen eines Mythos über eine Frau, die ihre Lebensmittel ungebunden in den Rücken ihrer Pickup verlassen und wurde dann getötet, wenn sie die Bremsen an der Autobahn Geschwindigkeit getroffen und ihr Lebensmittelgeschäft flog von der Rückseite ihres Bettes und schlug sie in den Rücken Der Kopf, Adam streicht Essen für Gedanken Schnitt zu Jamie versucht sehr schwer, nicht zu grinsen. Während der Beschreibung der Kanonenkugel gegen Splitter Mythos in der ersten Piraten-Special, Adams ungeraden Piraten-Akzent tatsächlich gab Jamie einen Anfall des Gekicher. Redbeard der Savage: Es sprachlos Adam Lampenschirme dies, wenn sie das Rutschen auf Bananenschalen testen myth. Adam: Er hat das Gekicher. Das passiert nie Adam hat in Interviews gesagt, dass im Redaktionsraum, so ziemlich alles, was Jamie lachen wird ausgestrahlt werden. Hinzugefügt Alliterative Appeal. Mr. Savage, der Boden ist dein. Adam: Also, können Sie deutlich kommunizieren, was clevere Eckzähne Sie derzeit concocting Jamie: Was Adam: amüsiert mit sich selbst Was ist der Mythos All for Nothing: Der Versuch, den JATO Rocket Car Mythos zu beenden endete mit Das ganze Auto explodiert, sobald der Raketenmotor aktiviert ist. Die MythBusters schien am Rande der Tränen während der Nachbereitung. Jamie sogar flach gesagt Das Raketenauto gesaugt während der Episode close-out. Vor allem deshalb, weil theyd bereits erwähnt, dass sie eine erfahrene Firma angeheuert, um die Rakete zu bauen und dass benutzte Rakete kostete die Show 3610.000. Der Test der gigantischen Ball von LEGO Bricks endete plötzlich, wenn der Ball etwa ein Drittel des Weges auf seinem Weg zerschmetterte die Zeit, die es brachte, um den Ball zusammen in einem ersten Platz machte ein Retest unmöglich. Das heißt, ein Teil des Mythos war darüber, wie flink der Ball wäre und so das Ergebnis zeigte es ziemlich zerbrechlich. Trotz vielversprechender kleiner Bauten von Newton-Cradles in zunehmenden Größen von Kugellagern, war der Full-Size-Build mit fünf Wrecking Bälle spektakulär antiklimitisch es gab nur drei halbherzige Clunks und gestoppt. Alliterative Bezeichnung. Barry die ballistische Büste, verwendet für die letale Lavalampe Legende. Theres auch Adams Anatomisch genaue Avian Appendage (eine Schein-Hand aus Chicken Wings), die für einen Mythos mit einer explosiven Konsequenz des Haltens eines Revolver in die falsche Richtung verwendet wurde. Der All-Lösende Hammer. Grant macht oft den Vorschlag, dass er einen Roboter für einen Mythos bauen könnte. In der Regel ist dies eine praktikable Option (und die Route tatsächlich nehmen), aber gelegentlich macht er den Vorschlag, wenn seine offensichtlich lächerlich. Grant hat eine Auslöseschwenkanlage, die er mindestens fünfmal gewechselt hat, anfänglich baute er ihn, um ein Schwert zu schwingen, durch einen Hammer zu gehen und sogar einen Fußball zu treten. Alles da in der Manual - / Gelöschten Szene. Einige Schritte beim Testen eines Mythos können aufgrund von zeitlichen Einschränkungen ausgeschnitten werden, werden jedoch gezeigt oder in dem Aftershow-Footage auf der Discoverys-Website gepostet, sowie Erklärungen für einige ihrer Entscheidungen. Aluminium Weihnachtsbäume. Die Mythen, die bestätigt werden arent immer die youd erwarten. Zum Beispiel schien eine Erfahrung zu bestätigen, dass Elefanten sind in der Tat Angst vor Mäusen (oder zumindest gehen aus dem Weg, sie zu vermeiden). Adam selbst war erstaunt darüber und gab zu, dass er wusste, dass dies nicht möglich war, und doch war Beweis hier. (Laut Adam haben sie den Mythos getestet und gefilmt, während sie in Afrika nur die Zeit nutzen, die sonst vergeudet würde, während sie darauf warteten, den Mythos zu tun, den sie nach Afrika reisten.) Amusing Injuries. Es passiert oft mit Adam und Tory. Adam, weil er dazu neigt, seine Schmerzen leichter und offensichtlich auszudrücken, und Tory, weil er es gewöhnlich schafft, relativ leicht zurückzurollen. Was mehr ist, beide neigen dazu, es auf sich zu bringen. Averted beim Experimentieren beim Beissen in Mikrowellen-Backenbrecher. Obwohl sie einige Explosionsschilde hatten, wurde MythTern Christine in der Explosion gefangen und ihr Gesicht wurde verbrannt (auch Adam, außer auf seinem Arm). Es wurde als ein sehr ernstes Ereignis und eine Vorsichtsmaßregel behandelt, die den Mythos als zutreffend bewiesen. Wirklich, jede schwere Verletzung ab. Es war nicht lustig, wenn Tory sein Knie auf einen Fall gegangen schief gegossen, zum Beispiel8212he benötigte Stiche, weil der. Wirklich, der einzige Grund, den berüchtigten Fahrradunfall fällt unter diese Trope ist, dass Tory (erstaunlich) nicht ernsthaft verletzt wurde. Adam sagt es am besten: Adam: Das ist die Show. Seine, wie, 4 Minuten der Wissenschaft, und dann 10 Minuten von mir verletzen mich. Anachronismus-Eintopf: Während des ersten Piraten-Specials, sieht Adam ein vorübergehender Tumbleweed, der er anmerkt, ist nicht ein Piratensache, das dieses ist, während er einen Winkelschleifer benutzt, um einen Kanonenkugel umzuformen. Adam, in Bezug auf ihre Konstruktion einer Baumkanone: Im nicht alles tun, was die Paks nicht getan haben, wenn sie hatten eine Kettensäge. In der zweiten Ninja-Special, während eines der Pfeilfeuer-Tests, Adam trägt mittelalterliche europäische Rüstung. Jamie ruft ihn an. Ancient Grome: Wenn sie den Pfeil Maschinengewehr, die angeblich von Dionysius der Ältere erfunden wurde, ein Grieche, Adam trägt eine sehr römische Rüstung. Sie schießen auf ein Ziel, das als griechisches Hoplit gekleidet ist, aber sie nennen es einen römischen Zenturio. Adam trägt dieselbe Rüstung, während er die (griechischen) Spiegelträger während eines Solar Death Ray erneut besucht. Und einige andere Sachen. Die MythBusters werden oft Zensuren Zensur oder lassen entscheidende Schritte für bestimmte Prozesse sie nicht wollen, Zuschauer zu Hause zu versuchen. Lampshaded während des Hindenburg-Experiments (siehe Pixellation unten). Und das ist schrecklich: Während der Killer-CD-Segment: Adam: Vermessung CD-ROM Schrapnell in Ballistik Gel-Blöcke eingebettet Look 8212 seine eingebettet zwei Zoll in sein Fleisch Das ist schlecht Auch bei ihrem ersten Versuch der Appliance in der Badewanne-Mythos (die Schaltung drehte sich Adam: sehen, dass der GFCI-Schalter auf einen Fön nicht in der Wanne ausgelöst hat Was für eine Erdfehlerunterbrechung ist dies. Sein Pumpwasser. Ich würde sagen, dass schlechte Animal Reaction Shot. Eine unbeabsichtigte Version, aber während der Antacid Jail Break Mythos, wie die Jungs im Begriff sind, den Mythos im kleinen Maßstab zu testen Jamies Hund Zero beginnt die Treppe hinunter, aber scheinbar das Gefühl, was kommt stoppt tot in ihren Tracks. Cue das Glas in den Testtank zerbrechen nach außen. Sind Sie erwägen, was Im Pondering. Scheinbar bewusst von Adam aufgerufen: Ich denke, Jamie, aber es wird schwer sein, vier Eiche Türen und 30 Fuß gefetteten Kette Artifact Titel zu finden. In seiner späteren Jahreszeit, als die Show begann, aus Mythen, urbanen Legenden und Sprüche zu testen, begann es zunehmend auf die Prüfung von Film-Spezialeffekte und visuelle Tropes konzentriert. Adam, beginnend mit Saison zehn haben sich auf eine Menge, was sie als tropes anstelle von Mythen zu testen. Künstlerische Lizenz Geschichte: Die Show zeigt, dass die Hwacha eine alte koreanische Waffe ist, als sie gegen Ende des Mittelalters eingeführt wurde. Während der Prüfung Mond Mythen, macht Adam eine große Sache über eine Figur von Neil Armstrong und mit einem Replikanzug modelliert auf Armstrongs und sagt, dass seine, weil die Figur und der Anzug haben beide roten Kommandanten Markierungen. Neil Armstrong trug nie einen Anzug mit roten Markierungen, die eine Verzierung hinzugefügt wurden, um Kommandanten Anzüge von Apollo 13 weiter zu helfen, besser zu unterscheiden, die beiden Astronauten auf dem Mond, wenn sie durch einen TV-Bildschirm. Künstlerische Lizenz Linguistik. Bei der Analyse der explodierenden Hosen Mythos, nachdem sie bestätigen, dass eine bestimmte Reihe von Umständen in der Tat dazu führen, dass ein Paar Hosen in Brand zu fangen, war Grant noch ungern nennen es Bestätigt, sagen, dass es nicht technisch eine Explosion, da gab es Keine Kompression, lediglich eine Selbstentzündung. Kari und Tory machte die Beobachtung, dass, um die durchschnittliche Person ohne die wissenschaftliche Kenntnisse, um den Unterschied zu kennen, wenn ihre Hose spontan in Flammen platzen, würden sie sagen, die Hose explodiert. Meine Hose aufgeblasen Das ist, was Id sagen, Ascended Extra: Kari und Tory beide hatten kleine Rollen auf der Show, bevor sie als Teil des Build-Team eingestellt. Nach dem Pestering ihren Weg in einen Off-Kamera Job kann Kari kurz in den Hintergrund in der ersten Episode gesehen werden, wenn die MythBusters sind in der Wüste testen den JATO Rocket Car Mythos. Karis nächste Auftritt war mit ihrem Hintern gescannt, um ein Modell für die zweite Episode zu machen, in dem die MythBusters untersuchen, ob ein Druckverlust kann dazu führen, dass man an einem Flugzeug WC-Sitz stecken. Tory erschien auch im Hintergrund ein paar Mal, und sie und Scottie Chapman wurden alle als Build Team während der ersten Saison gutgeschrieben, obwohl sie nicht auf Kamera vorgestellt wurden. Aufgestiegenes Meme. Eine Parodie / Huldigung der Show verwendet einen Mythos, dass, wenn Sie die Seiten eines Paares von Telefonbüchern verschachteln, würde die rohe Friktion sie untrennbar kurz vor der Zerstörung der Bücher oder manuell entweichen die Seiten, mit den Parodie-Moderatoren kommen zu dem Schluss, dass Sie konnten nicht so tun. Die MythBusters selbst beschlossen, dies zu testen, ramping es aus einem Tauziehen und zwei Reifen-brennenden Mietwagen, um schließlich verketten sie zwischen zwei Tanks. Der Mythos brach ab, obwohl er letztlich 8000 Pfund Kraft benötigte - mehr als es sein konnte, als wenn beide Mietwagen gleichzeitig in der Luft aus den Telefonbüchern verschoben wurden -, um sie auseinander zu ziehen. Es ist so weit gestiegen, dass es ein großer Teil ihrer Live-Tour ist. Adam suspendiert sich von einem Deckenhaken, mit nur der Reibung der Telefonbuch-Seiten (die Interleaved früher in der Show von Publikum Freiwilligen) die Verbindung seiner Kabelbaum mit dem Haken. Asiatischen und Nerdy. Grant spielt dies für seine eigenen (und das Publikum) amusement. Der Kerl baut Roboter auf jede Entschuldigung und verwendet pi als seine Gefangenen-Nummer in der Gefängnisseil-Episode. Als ob das nicht schlimm genug war, als sie eine Lügendetektor-Maschine testeten, zeigte sich, dass er darüber nachgedacht hatte, einen weiblichen Roboter zu bauen. In einer anderen Episode wurde er zu einem stotternden Idioten, wenn er einen High-Tech-Bombe Entsorgung Roboter getroffen reduziert. Diese Stimmung wird intensiviert, wenn Sie seinen College-Abschluss ist in der Elektrotechnik zu realisieren. Beim Testen von drei verschiedenen Rigs, um einen Fußball zu werfen, schließt das Team, dass ihre anfängliche Rigg, eine Druckkanone, durchweg die stabilste Grant die gleiche Schlussfolgerung erreicht, aber er schließt ein, dass er die Standardabweichungen der Daten nur zum Spaß berechnet hat. Vorhersehbar, Kari ruft ihn in seiner Definition von Spaß. Wie du weißt. Viele Mythen werden über ein Segment eingeführt, in dem die Wirte einander über einen Mythos erzählen wollen, mit dem beide bereits vertraut sind. Sie variieren, wie inszeniert dieses Bit ist. Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit. Ooh, glänzend. Für eine verborgene Zeitspanne, während der Abriss des Balles Newton Kugeln gebaut wurden, wurden Adam und Jamie abgelenkt, indem sie ein großes Stück Schrott Metall mit Schlägel, die eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Tönen wie ein Riesen-Xylophon. Ehrfürchtig, aber unpraktisch. Rube Goldberg (oder Heath Robinson für unsere Freunde in mehr Commonwealth-beeinflussten Ländern) wäre so verdammt stolz. Vor allem wurde ein Tresor geöffnet, indem man ein kleines Loch schneidete, es mit Wasser füllte und eine Sprengladung hineinließ. Wasser verdichtet nicht, also wird die Energie zu den Schwachstellen des Safe, der Tür verteilt. Das Prinzip dahinter ist Sound und funktioniert, aber es dauerte über 30 Minuten, um das Loch zu schneiden und das Zeug innen war verkohlt aus der Schneidlanze. Kümmern Sie sich nicht um die Tatsache, dass der Safe wie ein Sieb durchgesickert, trotz Versuche, sie von außen zu versiegeln. Die Wasserpistole. Ein Segelboot kann in der Tat vorangetrieben werden, indem er einen riesigen Ventilator in das Segel bläst. Sondern einfach nur den Ventilator nach hinten funktioniert so viel besser. Sie können Fleisch mit Sprengstoffen oder mit einer riesigen Luftkanone feuern lassen, die mit Kevlar verpacktes Fleisch in ein Stahlziel schießt. Sie wissen, wenn Sie nicht einen zärtlichen Hammer in der Nähe haben In den Ninja-Specials, testeten sie getestet in der Lage, einen Pfeil in der Mitte (möglich, aber unwahrscheinlich) zu fangen und fangen eine Schwertschaukel (nur, wenn Sie Handschutz haben). In beiden Fällen ist es darauf hingewiesen, dass youd besser gedient werden, indem Sie ausweichen, als zu versuchen, zu stoppen, was Sie kommen. Tailgating in einem großen Rigs Slipstream tut in der Tat verbessern Sie Ihre Gasmeilenzahl. Seine auch wahrscheinlich, dass Sie getötet. Das nächste Mal, wenn Sie mit einem Flammenwerfer angegriffen werden und alles, was Sie haben, ist ein super-powered Feuerlöscher, denken Sie daran, dass Sie sich damit verteidigen können. Wenn youve gut versiegelte Metallbehälter, viel des Drahtes, ein großes Boot eines Automobils und ein bestimmter Berühmtheitchef erhalten. Können Sie ein volles Erntedankfest mit Ihrem Auto kochen. Ehrfürchtiger McCool Name. Namen werden nicht viel kühler als Adam Savage Ax-Crazy. Jamie spielte diese Rolle in einem kurzen, stillen Film, der einen Filmmythos über Markisen aufstellte. Zurück zum Finale. Nachdem sie die Show am Ende der Saison 2014 verlassen haben, kehren Tori, Kari und Grant in die letzte Episode zurück, um über ihre bisherigen Erfahrungen mit Adam und Jaime nachzudenken. Badass Bücherwurm. Jamie Badass Fahrer: Beide Jamie und Adam kommen nah, wenn sie havent diese Trope bereits getroffen haben. Sie hatten genug spezialisierte Fahranweisung für verschiedene Mythen, die, als sie prüften, ob das Fahren in den hohen Absätzen an sich gefährlicher war (wegen des Mangels an Kontrolle), benötigten sie einen ziemlich extremen Fahrkurs, um sich eine Herausforderung zu geben. Kari hat einige verrückte treibende Fähigkeiten im Laufe der Jahre abgeholt, zieht einige bemerkenswerte Tokyo-Drifting in einem Go-Kart Grant selbst hatte zu fahren nur ein Zentimeter von einem 18-Wheeler auf Autobahn Geschwindigkeiten Tory hat ein Auto mit einem anderen Auto durch Piercing Grappling gestoppt Haken. Vergessen Sie nicht, die mad skillz bei ferngesteuerten Fahren (von mehreren Full-sized Fahrzeuge) angezeigt, vor allem von Grant, sondern auch in geringerem Maße von Adam und Jamie. Badass Langschwerter. In der Dumpster Diving Episode trug Adam einen langen schwarzen Mantel, der an etwas aus der Matrix erinnert. Badass Schnurrbart. Jamie wieder. Schlechte Bedienung. Manchmal versuchen sie nicht sehr, die Skript-Mythen-Einführungsszenen realistisch zu machen, vor allem das Buildteam. Eine bemerkenswerte Abneigung war, als sie den Hypnose-Rückruf-Mythos testen wollten, indem sie eine angespannte Auseinandersetzung mit einigen Anlieferungsjungen plotten. Adam und Jamie waren in der Tat und während der Zuschauer konnte erzählen, dass sie handeln konnte man auch sehen, wie Tory, Grant und Kari würde es fallen. Besonders aufgerufen von Adam, der ein professioneller Schauspieler war. Averted und Lampshaded durch die Latexmasken Episode, als Adam und Jamie einen professionellen Schauspieltrainer engagiert, um ihnen zu helfen perfektionieren, wie man einander imitieren. Adam. Du schlägst vor, dass wir Schauspielunterricht bekommen. Jamie Isnt es über Zeit Stock Footage eines Hammerhai-Haifischs. Robert Lee: Nun, der nächste Mythos reif für Revisiting ist eine ich nicht ganz erinnern. Kann ein Hammerkopf wirklich explodieren. Shot Übergänge zu Aufnahmen der Hammer vs Hammer-Tests. Robert Lee: Oh. Diese Art von Hammerkopf. Ich habs. Es tut uns leid. Glatze von Ehrfürchtig: Jamies Standardblick. Adams Kopf wurde in einigen der frühen Episoden rasiert, wegen einiger seiner Haare (und eine Augenbraue, yeah thats wo bin ich vermisst eine Augenbraue stammt aus) verbrannt in einer der ersten paar Episoden und er wollte bleiben etwas suchen normal. Bambus-Technologie. Teil und Paket von einigen Mythen, und gelegentlich verschmilzt mit Steam Punk. Sie mussten Mythen von Plänen für amerikanische Bürgerkrieg-Ära-Raketen und sogar eine mit Dampf angetriebene Maschinengewehr testen. Aufgerufene buchstäblich auf dem MacGyver Special, wo sie eine leichte Flugzeug aus Bambus, Müllsäcke, Klebeband und einem Zementmischer Motor gebaut. Während es rollte auf dem Boden just fine, fiel es gerade nach unten, wie es aus einer Klippe gerollt, um liftoff versuchen. Das Hwacha. . Eine Raketenbatterie für große Feuerwerk-angetriebene Bambusballisten. Dann gab es die Ming-Dynastie Astronaut-Mythos, in dem ein chinesischer Philosoph angeblich in den Weltraum auf einem Thron mit 47 Raketen aus Bambus gefertigt strahlte. Bis zu elf in einer Episode, wo sie auf einer einsamen Insel überleben müssen, aber nur Klebeband und Bambus zu überleben. Sie schaffen nicht nur das Wesentliche, wie Nahrung und Wasser zu sammeln, sondern auch Hängematten, Stühle, einen Tisch, ein Schachset zu bauen und am Ende ein Kanu zu bauen und der Insel zu entfliehen. Beam-O-War. Geschehen mit einem Flammenwerfer gegen einen Hochleistungs-Feuerlöscher. Tatsächlicher Mythos: Busted. Ergebnisse: Awesome. Jenseits des Unmöglichen. Gespielt mit. Die Prämisse der Show ist, dies zu dekonstruieren. Sie finden heraus, was wirklich möglich ist und was nicht. Manchmal wird die Trope gerade gespielt, wenn ein besonders zweifelhafter Mythos bestätigt wird. Perfektes Beispiel: jeder Mythos mit Klebeband, aber im Grunde genommen das Klebeband Flugzeug Mythos. Umgekehrt mit einigen Mythen, wo jeder einzelne Teil des Mythos so vollständig gebrochen ist, lässt er nicht einmal ein Körnchen Wahrheit zurück. Zum Beispiel: Der Mythos des riesigen rollenden LEGO-Balles. Sie konnten nur 1 Million LEGO Stücke erhalten, nachdem sie alle Stücke von Legoland Kalifornien genommen hatten und die größte private Ansammlung dieses ist nirgends nah an den fünf Millionen, die durch den Mythos vorhergesagt werden. Sie benötigten auch nur die 1 Million Stücke, um den riesigen Ball irgendwie herzustellen. Schließlich brach der Ball auf halbem Weg auseinander. Große sperrige Bombe. Ein Zement-LKW mit dem Mischer verpackt mit hohen Sprengstoffen. Rechnung. Rechnung. Kram Rechnung. . In der Minimyths-Episode, wenn ihre Kokosnuss per Post ankommt, geht Adam durch das Porto auf diese Weise, außer mit einer Kokosnuss anstelle von Junk. Mit verbundenen Augen. Auf der ersten Reise in den geheimen Ort, um einen Fisch mit einem Minigun zu schießen. Adam ist nicht erlaubt, zu wissen, wo es ist, also Jamie fährt ihn dort mit verbundenen Augen. Als Teil des Ninja Special. Körper-Grausigkeit: Torys Meatman: ein gefälschtes Skelett mit dem Schweinefleisch, das auf es genäht wird, um als Muskel und Haut zu dienen, mit seinem Abdomen, der mit verschiedenen Organen und gefälschtem Blut gefüllt wird. Es wurde verwendet, um den Mythos zu testen, dass, wenn ein Tiefseetaucher in einem altmodischen Anzug seine Luftzufuhr verlor (und ein Sicherheitsventil nicht funktionierte), würde die resultierende Druckdifferenz den Taucherkörper in den Helm des Anzugs zerquetschen. Der Mythos wurde bestätigt, auch der Helm begann unter dem Druck zu wölben, mit Bits von Meatman zu lecken beginnen. Armer, armer Fleischmann. Tory: Sein Magen ist in seinem Helm Boring, aber praktisch: Stellt sich heraus, in einem Mythos testen, wie ein Raum mit gezielten Licht und Spiegeln beleuchten, dass alle Jamie zu tun hat, ist Schritt in den Strahl mit einem knackigen weißen T-Shirt. Es beleuchtet den Raum fast viermal so hell wie alle anderen Methoden. Beim Versuch, an einem High-Tech-Bewegungsmelder vorbei zu kommen, der Schallwellen benutzt, um Bewegungen zu erkennen, entdeckte Kari, dass es bei weitem die effektivste Methode war, einfach eine gewöhnliche Bettdecke zwischen sich und dem Sensor zu halten. Die zweitwichtigste Methode war, durch das Zimmer mit einer schmerzhaft langsamen Geschwindigkeit buchstäblich langweilig, aber praktisch zu bewegen. Der Schwert-schwingende Roboter. Sein gerade ein schwingender pneumatischer Arm mit einer Klemme, zum eines Schwertes zu halten. Die schiere Zahl der Mythen, die die MythBusters haben es neu für sie ist absolut unglaublich. Säubern. Aufgrund der breiten Anziehungskraft des Programms versuchen die MythBusters, fragwürdige Sprache oder Inhalte, wo sie möglich sind, zu vermeiden. Zum Beispiel, in der Fakten über Flatulence Episode, schafften sie es, das Thema, ohne auch nur einmal mit dem Wort Furz zu decken. Anstelle des wissenschaftlichen Begriffs flatus in den allgemeinen Bedingungen stead. Dies ist weit von dem einzigen Beispiel die Hintergründe von mehreren Mythen wurden geändert, um zu vermeiden, was sind Hot-Button-Themen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Averted in einer der Pilot-Episoden, als Adam versuchte, einen familienfreundlichen Begriff für etwas zu finden Jamie verwies ganz unverblümt als ein großer Esel. Marke X: Verwendet zu vermeiden, dass die Auszahlung Lizenzgebühren und die Wahrung der Unparteilichkeit der Show. Auch verwendet, um Filme oder Zeichen, dass sie eklatante Tests Mythen, aber ist iffy, wenn sie die Zeichen Namen direkt verwenden können, wie Nocturnal-Echolocating-Flying-Mammal-Man. Ruthlessly Lampshaded ständig. Auch getan, um die Menschen davon abzuhalten, ihre gefährlicheren Mythen zu replizieren (Dont Mix Blur mit Blur). Averted, wenn sie Natron Brunnen getestet durch Fallenlassen Mentos kauen Süßigkeiten in gerade-geöffneten Flaschen von Diet Coke getestet. Während des Versuchs des Experiments selbst hielten Adam und Jamie an den Ausdrücken Cola und Minze Bonbons fest, bis ihre Tests feststellten, dass die extremen Reaktionen der Eepybirds nur durch die spezielle Kombination von Mentos und Diet Coke erreicht werden konnten Generische Namen sinnlos. Dies war auch ein seltenes Beispiel für einen Mythos, der für Leute (oder Kinder) völlig sicher war, zu Hause zu versuchen. Obwohl sie schlagen Sie tun es außerhalb Ihres Hauses, so gab es wenig Risiko für die Hersteller verklagt sie für die Förderung der unsicheren Nutzung ihrer Produkte. Messingbälle. Siehe Getting Crap Am Radar weiter unten. Breaking the Fourth Wall : During Cannonball Chemistry, Tory, Grant, and Kari address the audience directly at the beginning of the episode, and again when they reach the where did that cannonball just go point in the original filming. (See Gone Horribly Wrong below). The pilot who takes Adam on the U-2 flight is keenly aware of the fact that hes on TV:Pilot . while cruising at 70,000 feet What do you think about landing after this commercial break Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs. When trying to find out if C-4 on fire can be detonated without a cap. Jamie . We smashed it, we burned it, we smashed it and burned it. Brick Joke : Can you mail a coconut without putting it in any packaging Yes, you can. Early in the Waterslide Wipeout episode during small-scale testing, Adam declares that he doesnt believe that using the handheld weed-sprayer to lubricate the entire length of the full-scale slide will be necessary, and says hell pay Jamie 36100 if thats the case. It was. After the myth is declared busted, Jamie chimes in about the 36100 Adam owes him. Adam begrudgingly pays him in the credits. An easily-missed one: the fuel-injected car used for the Great Gas Conspiracy myth testing came with a vanity license plate: ENVY DIS . The plate is seen again in the Beat The Speed Camera myths, when Jamie does the old spy-car license plate switcheroo with the NO DOUDT plate theyd been using all episode. Jamie is seen doing something with the back license plate early on in the episode to set this up. Brief Accent Imitation : Adam, a lot. For the second Pirate episode, he does it so much it actually starts to annoy Jamie (which he does almost every episode, somehow). Speaking of, Jamie is very often a victim of this most people on the set have mockingly imitated his voice and mannerisms at one time or another. In the 2011 season premiere Adam and Jamie disguise themselves as each other and attempt to fool people. The masks are good enough to work from a distance but each fails to imitate the others voice correctly. Tory note Which, incidentally, is short for the Italian first name Salvatore will occasionally affect a faux Italian accent. For the most part, if a myth comes from an action movie, Adam will certainly describe a part of it at some point in a thick British accent. Bring My Brown Pants : After the massive fireball from the creamer cannon, we get this:Tory: Weve still got like 500 pounds of this stuff, should we try again Grant: Maybe after I get some new underwear . After Adam ignited hydrogen in a box causing it to explode violently:Adam: WHOA in quiet, timid-ish voice Okay. is everybody okay Rob Lee: Eh. fresh underwear for Mr. Savage, please. Adam noted the latest Underwater Car test (where they tested in a pond to see if it was any harder to escape if the car turned turtle) as being a 10 on the Brown Pants factor. Subverted on occasion - the cast will wear adult diapers if pants-soiling is a supposed side-effect of the myth being tested. Heck, they even have a whole myth devoted to finding the Brown Note in the first episode of season 3. Adam when he was attempting to use an excavator to climb into the back of a truck. Jamie: Do you need to go to the bathroom or anything Adam: Oh, Ive already gone to the bathroom. Before his cold feet subjugation scenario, Tory requested man-diapers before boarding a stunt plane. British English. This crops up from time to time in the narration and scripted dialogue. Not surprising, when you consider that Beyond Productions is an Australian company and narrator Robert Lee was born in England. Examples: referring to a previous season as a series (several times), calling a coupe a coupeacute, and referencing Meccano 8212 the UK equivalent of Erector Sets. Broken Aesop. Played straight and subverted. In the Viral Videos episode, they warned that the viewers shouldnt believe every video they see online. yet all four of the videos tested were Confirmed. However, they did make their own example involving Rubiks cubes, in order to show how someone could easily fake an online video. They would later bust other videos, such as the giant lego ball video. Broke the Rating Scale. Most myths (from season 2 onward) adhere to the Busted/Plausible/Confirmed scale. There are, however, some deviations. Type 2s are not uncommon (Plausible, but ludicrous or variants being the most common), and there has been a Type 4. During the Supersized Special, the MythBusters performed a test that failed in a way that did not yield useful data8212namely, Supersize Rocket Car (the car blew up as it was supposed to launch). Because the test yielded nothing useful, the MythBusters simply called it Appropriately Supersized. At the end of the CSI fireball myth, the ramped-up version was rated Gratuitous A test to see if driving at a high rate of speed is sufficient to keep the rain out of a convertible with the top down was rated Plausible, but Not Recommended, because of it being so blatantly unsafe. Testing the myth of bullets being fired up killing someone received all three ratings: busted because if a bullet were fired straight up, it would tumble as it fell, slowing it down to nonlethal speeds plausible because its difficult to actually fire a bullet straight up, and even a slight deviation allows the bullet to maintain a ballistic trajectory and the lethal speed involved and confirmed because they located documentation of someone actually being killed by a bullet that had been fired into the air. The Dirty vs. Clean Car myth pulled off arguably the most complex rating ever on the show: Myth busted, concept plausible. This was because the myth as stated - that a dirty car is more fuel-efficient than a clean car because the dirt creates an effect similar to the dimples on a golf ball - did not work at all when subjected to a standard test (the dirt actually reduced the cars fuel efficiency), but when they devised another method of re-creating the effect the myth describes (by applying an even layer of clay to the car and then carving out dimples using a homemade circular wire cutting tool), that actually did improve fuel efficiency by 11 over the clean car. Bucket Helmet. Used in the myth about walking in circles blind in a forest. Bullet Time. They use high speed cameras that can record up to about 2000 frames per second. Used for a lot of experiments just so they can see what actually happened. Adams favorite was mentioned as being a hot water heater rocketing out of a makeshift house. Sometimes they just do it for fun, like a sobering myth where Adam got slapped in the face by Jamie pretty hard. Adam: Thats the funniest thing Ive ever seen The bullet time footage of a rocket sled vaporizing a car is likely the most popular footage ever, and likely paved the way for the show Time Warp . which revolves around nothing but Bullet Time. Then Adams drunken treadmill running (and falling. and getting back on, only to fall even more violently) became a clip that he started showing off while doing lectures well before the show aired, because it just looked so funny. The final episode featured them using a camera that shot at upwards of 50,000 frames per second to film an RV being exploded. Bulletproof Fashion Plate : Jamie, though Adam tries to trash his white shirt. You do not try to take his hat (although he did for one of the discovery/mythbusters bits, unknown if Jamie let him). Averted when they tested the poop hits the fan saying 8212 Jamie was just as splattered as Adam after the final test. (And Adam was the only one wearing a protective jumpsuit. Jamie was in his normal attire.) Literally busted when Jamie let Adam skeet-shoot his beret. Adam hit the beret in flight, and the holes in the hat were proof of it. Adam: For those of you who thought Jamies attire was bulletproof. myth busted . Adam: This is the show. Its, like, 4 minutes of science, and then 10 minutes of me hurting myself. Occasionally, a myth offers an opportunity for Jamie to deal with his personal issues with heights. Really, all the team members get this at some point or another the show loves exploiting Adam and Grants motion sickness and Karis aversion to meat. among other things. Buzzing the Deck. Their attempts to shatter glass with a sonic boom culminated with Adam going up with one of the Blue Angels and, after being taken on a wild thrill ride, making a series of supersonic passes over a shed theyd set up in the desert with a glass window, each one lower than the last. After a number of passes at a reasonable altitude, Adam was dropped off and the pilot went back up to make another series at a dangerously low level. They did finally get the glass to break, but the plane was practically flying on the deck at that point. Call Back : On the Arrow Machine Gun test, after repeated failures, Adam repeats some clean words used during No Pain No Gain:Adam: Fudge Babies. Baby hippos Invoked in the Popcorn episode, Tory copied Adams famous line:Tory: Am I missing an eyebrow On a number of occasions, they refer to techniques, knowledge, or rigs acquired in earlier episodes. A great example would be the sword-swinging robot, which was refurbished and repurposed several times. One time, Kari was asked by Tory and Grant to name what a set of items had in common: creamer, cheese, leather, chicken, duct tape, and a steel pipe. The answer was cannon the three food items had all been launched from cannons in previous myths, the tape and pipe had been used to construct them, and they were building a leather one at the time. Shortly afterward, we saw clips involving several of these previous cannons (as well as a few others). In the setup for Bamboo Torture, Jamies alleged prior efforts at torturing a tied-up Adam invoked something Adam previously had claimed to have had nightmares about in Breaking Glass:Jamie: You had enough yet Cause I can keep singing all day long. Camera Abuse. Theyre not trying to destroy (expensive) high-speed cameras, it just happens. Dramatic shots being essential to the show, but expensive to lose, in later seasons the cameras start getting armored . Defied in at least one test when testing the remote controls of the first Impala for the 2013 retest of the JATO rocket car myth, Grant steers it to avoid hitting a camera. At least thats the excuse he gives for swerving all over the lot . And subverted during their non-dairy creamer cannon8212they assumed they lost the camera closest to the cannon8212only to discover it was still in working order. The next footage it shot was them cleaning off its lens . In the A-Team special, Jamie and Adam built a rig to fire 2-by-2 lumber at bad guys. During testing, Adam managed to hit one of the little cameras placed down-range to capture images of the sticks being fired. Canada, Eh. When a myth involves Canada somehow, the jokes usually fall into this. Canis Latinicus. Adam refers to the outcome of the third attempt at JATO Rocket Car as a case of mythus testus . Captain Obvious. A source for a lot of their humour. Some examples: Tory: Lemon juice stings when it gets in your eye Tory after getting burned holding a lava lamp: It gets hot Tory standing in a bull ring wearing a bright red jumpsuit: This is starting to feel like a bad idea. Adam and Jamie after deliberately crashing a car into a wall: Jamie: Yep, its a car crash, I think. Adam: Id say what happened here was that this car, here, hit this wall, there. Captivity Harmonica. Tory humorously uses his voice, with his hands cupped in front of his face, to emulate this during the Prison Break myth. Carcass Sleeping Bag. This has been tested by the Mythbusters, who mimicked the Star Wars example specifically and were surprised by how effective it was. Cardboard Pal. In one Blueprint Room piece-to-camera, Adam discusses the next step in the testing of the myth (which involved whether Christmas trees could auto-ignite from the heat of the lights) with a full-size cardboard cutout of Jamie (with Jamie dubbing his lines in). Its out of nowhere, unexplained, and a little off-putting. especially when the real Jamie reappears in the very last shot of the sequence. Carpet of Virility. In all but one of his Shirtless Scenes. Jamie displays his. (The exception was the Goldfinger painted-with-latex myth, for which Jamie had to shave everything below the neck.) Tory has one as well. Catch Phrase. Several, most of which are recycled in the opening credits: Well, theres your problem (Usually in response to a fully intended destruction of a vehicle, or when looking for parts or pieces for a build, and finding a car with no engine. Also applied to many other situations, such as when a fingerprint lock proved embarrassingly easy to fool.) If its worth doing, its worth overdoing . Also referred to as the MythBusters Mantra. When in doubt, C4. Jamie wants Big Boom. PHYSICS When in doubt, lubricate Laaaaaaaard. Failure is always an option on MythBusters . This is why we can never have anything nice . (Grant, usually right before something is destroyed.) Will our insurance cover this (Usually right before they destroy an item that was hard to get, or are about to attempt something that is questionable.) For Science i. e.sniffs the air Aah, its a beautiful day for science . Adam . I ate a radio for science X went away. Often used by Jamie as a euphemism for X was completely destroyed by an explosion . Kari thinks all these catchphrases are AMAZING Adam thinks, Thats beautiful . Although he sometimes reckons, thats horrifying . Or the similar thats a horror show . Replicate the myth, then duplicate the results. Though not a catchphrase, Adams nervous laughter is by far the greatest echo of the entire series. Even the narrator has a catch phrase. Aint that the truth is often said after one of the hosts described what had just happened. He also says, Thats the theory, a lot. The narrator will also often say Ah, Houston. we have a problem whenever an explosive fails to go off. when a vehicle (often a rocket) fails to get going, or for other obvious failures during testing. In later episodes, Jamie has taken to saying Buh-bye just before he triggers an explosive or incendiary device. Often overly-long name of impending test in three, two, one Youll also hear Theres only one way to find out. a lot, right before one of the aforementioned impending tests. Lets get outta here is common at the end of episodes. In the Breaking Bad special, Vince Gilligan repeatedly says In my minds eye. while trying to Hand Wave explanations for why the MythBusters tests arent working as originally depicted. Cavemen vs. Astronauts Debate. The fansite was host to a nasty argument over whether a plane could take off if it were on a conveyor belt that was running in the opposite direction. MythBusters result: Yes it can Censor Steam. Subverted in this video. A last second move of Karis head blocks the actual decapitation of the dead lamb. but then they replay it from another angle, uncensored, in slow motion . Chekhovs Gun : Probably an unintentional example in the Fire vs. Ice episode. In the beginning, Adam is using a fire extinguisher to put out Jamies homemade flamethrower, which appears as a cloud of dark blue gas to the thermal camera and covers the heat from the fire. This is the same method that the Build Team uses to obscure warm bodies from a heat-seeking camera in their myth later in the same episode. The MacGyver special has one during Adam and Jamies MacGyver Challenge: after they escape being tied up at the beginning of the challenge, Jamie takes the rope with him, and they use it as the tail for the kite they build as a signal at the end. Chuck Cunningham Syndrome. The first season had accredited folklorist Heather Joseph-Witham give some background information and sociology regarding the current myth they were testing. She was phased out because she wasnt adding anything that couldnt have been explained by either the narrator or the hosts, her footage anyway was shot much like an interview and she didnt interact with Adam and Jamie, and the shift of the show from testing urban legends to testing tropes, scenes from film and TV, Internet videos, idioms, etc. would have made her useless. Clip Show. On occasion, but always with at least some new content. Cluster F-Bomb. Largely averted, although Adam tended to get bleeped roughly once an episode in the first few seasons when a lot more of the work on the myths was being shown on-screen. Also, there are the rare times when something goes seriously awry with a test or a build, such as Adams profanity-laced call to the insurance company after being told he couldnt be a stunt double in a Hollywood myths episode, and Grants reactions to his (repeatedly) failed dental floss jail door cutter machine. Adam Lampshaded this himself after getting slapped by Jamie in the Alcohol Myths episode (for sobering-up techniques):Adam: Holy bleeping bleepity bleep In one episode the (normally taciturn) Jamie spends a lot of time and effort welding two large pipes together, only to realize that hes made an amateur welding mistake, closing off an opening that makes the whole thing useless. His reaction, especially when he has to explain what happened to Adam, is dutifully recorded in full and then just as dutifully censored. No Pain, No Gain included using this trope as part of the testing 8212 specifically, whether or not cursing increased your ability to tolerate pain (it did). The editors had fun with that episode. When Adam tests out his curse-proof tool . listen carefully to the beeps. If you know Morse Code. theres a message in there. Again when Tory lets loose. Respectively, HELLO and HURTS. Multiple bleeps are required when Jamie and Adam plan out their poop-polishing experiment, mostly because theyre discussing which words they can or cant use to describe the raw materials on the air. (Is bleep okay No.) Cold Open. The last few seasons of the show begin each episode with a short vignette demonstrating one of the main myths being addressed. Weirdly, these scenes often portray Adam and Jamie as Heterosexual Life-Partners who cohabitate, despite them being very firm on the record that they arent friends. Comedic Sociopathy. Whenever someone (usually Adam or Tory) has to get injured in the name of an experiment, the other team members will generally express glee about it, especially if they get to inflict the pain. Scottie . Lets egg him on until he hurts himself. Thats always fun. note They did, he did (not seriously), and it was. The Comically Serious. Jamie Companion Cube. In Holiday Special, Kari gets attached to a zombie dog replica. Compensating for Something. Invoked by Grant as he brings out the hydraulic piston he just built. thats over 5 feet tall. Cone of Shame. Played for Laughs during one build. After cutting down a large metal funnel, the leftover piece (which looked just like one of these cones) was plopped on Scotties head. Conspiracy Theories : They have tested a few of these, up to and including the all-too-common belief that the moon landings were faked. All of them (yes, including the aforementioned moon landing) have been proven wrong. Naturally, this spawned the conspiracy theory that the MythBusters were obviously throwing the tests in order to maintain status quo. The Busters offered a contest to build a plausible working Archimedes Death Ray, for the chance to demonstrate it on the show. Unfortunately, the most promising candidate had his device damaged in transit, so it was never tested. Contrived Coincidence. Enforced by real life in one episode, due to the uncertainty of when pressure vessels will fail. While waiting for a fire extinguisher to over-pressurize and explode, the build team starts playing charades. As Grant starts acting out a clue, Tory says, Two words. sounds like. At that moment, the extinguisher erupts in a massive explosion. A lot of the myths that are found Plausible would require one (or two) of these in order to happen. Cool and Unusual Punishment. A necessary part of the Beating the Lie Detector myth, stressing over telling a lie was mandatory and thus Adam put forth an ultimatum, beat the machine or instead of taking a plane back to San Francisco they had to take a 3,000 mile bus ride. (There was also a bonus to beating the machine a person who managed to do so would receive 361,000.) Grant managed to confuse the machine and was appropriately joyful, while they had to censor Karis response. Cool Bike. Jamies custom bike, brought in for the Tablecloth Yank test. Cool, but Inefficient. A lot of construction myths turn out to be this. The claim made for the substance is true on a micro level, but is too flawed to use in the large-scale way the myth states. Examples: Using ping-pong balls to raise a sunken ship (true, but you need thousands of them just to raise a relatively small fiberglass boat.) note Not that this kept the concept from being used in 1964 to salvage the sunken freighter the Al-Kuwait. Using balloons to lift a person (a couple thousand just for a five-year old kid) Building ships from pykrete, a mixture of ice and wood chips (the substance performed surprisingly well, but a small boat quickly started shedding). (This is one of the tests that led to a lot of debate, since the original concept was for making large aircraft carriers for use in the North Atlantic, and they would have been solid blocks of Pykrete with refrigeration units to prevent melting, not the thin shell boat that the MythBusters made. Still, the fact that it lasted only about fifteen minutes in the waters off Alaska probably says something about the viability of the material. ) Using explosives to make diamonds. When the build team played host to New Mexico Tech to show how they could make diamonds, an enormous amount of explosives, a gigantic explosion, and baths of acid were used to create. a tiny amount of dirty industrial-grade diamond grit, worth about a quarter. Not a quarter of a million dollars, but 25 cents. An excellent example of this trope in action is the lead balloon. The MythBusters proved that it is possible to make a balloon out of lead foil and make it fly. but there are far, far better materials to make a balloon with. If it must be a metal foil balloon, aluminum foil is safer, lighter, stronger, easier to work with, and easier to get a hold of. Cool, but Stupid. Many a carry a myth to its logical conclusion. Examples include a car with a golf ball surface and a boat made out of duct tape. Adam has summarized this trope in something hes said on a handful of occasions: Ive just had a what the hell are we doing moment. That is, the fact they are called upon by Discovery Channel to do something completely outlandish and absurd, something that anyone with a value for their time would never venture into, not only for our entertainment, but a paycheck at the end of the week (and, at least part of the time, For Science ). Cool Car. Thereve been a lot of cool vehicles, but special mention goes to The Beast, a mobile defense bunker made out of a dump truck. When they added a wedge-shaped cow-catcher grill during Traffic Ram, it plowed through a traffic jams worth of cars like they were water. Cool Shades. Jamies Julbo Drus sunglasses. Corpsing. During the Build Teams outrun a horde test in the Zombie Special, you can clearly see one of the volunteer zombies get the giggles when Kari rolls a wheelchair-bound (with duct tape. no less) Tory out to use him as bait. Kari . Hey, zombies. zombie food Cow Tools. M-5 certainly qualifies, with one wall that spans almost the length of the main building (at least 75 feet) with shelves and cubbies to hold all sorts of things. Apparently Jamie doesnt like to throw anything away and the random trinkets do come in handy. Even lampshaded with lots of them having some strange labels, like the one labeled RAW MEAT. Lampshaded in one episode, where Adam did some math note which he actually got wrong - once the math was redone correctly, a more reasonable mass figure was obtained to determine that Buster would have to have more mass in order to accurately portray the myth:Jamie: So youre saying that Buster needs to be made out of depleted uranium. Adam: beat Do we have some of that here Is it under D or U Crash Course Landing. On a simulation, both Adam and Jamie failed to land planes on their own, but succeeded with help over the radio. They did not know that at the time there was no record of this in real life (at the time ). Crazy Enough to Work. Every so often, they try something that they know cant possibly work, and yet does. Perhaps most famously, Kari managed to fool a motion detector by holding a simple bedsheet up in front of her. Or using an emergency escape slide as a parachute. Or skipping a car across a 120-foot lake using nothing but raw speed. The entire Duct Tape Island episode. The set-up 8212 Adam and Jamie are stranded on a deserted island with nothing but a palette full of duct tape, and have to find food and water, make shelter, make clothing, and escape using only the islands natural resources and their miles of tape. The verdict 8212 success all around. Crazy-Prepared : Jamie again, he keeps lard on hand for any situation. Jamie . You gotta collect those skills to be ready for anything. Lampshaded in Duct Tape Canyon Jamie packed suitcases full of duct tape and bubble wrap for a drive to a VIP reception. Grant can build a robot for anything . Crippling Overspecialization. Became a problem in the Swimming in Syrup myth. They brought in an Olympic Gold Medalist Swimmer hoping that he would be able to provide consistent swim times. While his swim times were very consistent in water, once he got into the syrup, his technique was completely wrecked thanks to the fact that he spends hours every day training in normal water and was thus more sensitive to the difference. They had to throw out his times in favor of Adams, who was a more casual swimmer and wasnt nearly as affected by the differences in viscosity. Critical Research Failure : After failing to nail down a cannon and almost being seriously harmed by the recoil, the build team berates themselves invoked for forgetting Newtons third law. Tory notes this to be the most dangerous moment in his history of working on the show. A number of chemists and pyrotechnicians have called foul on their attempt to cut through a car with a massive amount of thermite, citing an especially weak mixture. A few cups of properly mixed thermite will easily melt through a car engine . Crossover : A semi-example with CSI . Jamie and Adam make an appearance in one episode of CSI when Nick Stokes is determining whether or not a stun gun can ignite a guy covered in pepper spray. Then, on an episode of MythBusters . Jamie and Adam themselves do the exact same experiment to determine whether or not a stun gun can ignite a guy covered in pepper spray, inserting clips from the CSI episode. Of all the possible works of fiction to show in, they also made an appearance in The Salvation War . They busted the myth that rich men cant enter the kingdom of Heaven. yeah, its a long story. Jamie and Adam were in the 2006 Darwin Awards . where they played two guys running an army-surplus store from which a Darwin Awards winner buys a rocket 8212 leading to the JATO rocket myth. The second episode of Fall 2010 was a cross over with Discovery series Storm Chasers . They didnt so much test tornado myths as put the chasers souped up armored tornado chase vehicles to the torture test (with a jet engine) and design/build/test a prototype portable single-person tornado shelter that would protect a person caught away from the car from 180 mph winds. The host of Ask a Ninja visited MythBusters during a ninja special. Grant has a speaking role in the Series Finale of Eureka . Alton Brown of Good Eats once did a MythBusters parody on his show as he ran an episode dedicated to picking apart cooking myths. He has now appeared on the show proper on the Food Fables episode by preparing a Thanksgiving dinner and cooking it using only a cars engine. And he fits in with them just as awesomely as fans of both shows would expect. Another same-channel crossover in the vein of the Storm Chasers meet up, the cast of Deadliest Catch appeared in an episode that featured myths such as whether crab pots can be blown up, if taking short naps during 30-hour shifts improves a persons ability to perform their duties, and if its possible to get pulled overboard and to the bottom of the ocean by getting caught in the rope of a crab pot. All three were confirmed, though the crab pot did weather the first explosion surprisingly well. The framing sequence for the June 19, 2013 duct tape special was an obvious plug for Nik Wallendas tightrope walk across the Grand Canyon on June 23. Wallenda even had a couple cameos in the show. A crossover episode with Breaking Bad looked at two early scenes: using mercury fulminate as an improvised grenade triggered by being thrown, and hydrofluoric acid destroying a corpse. and the bathtub, and the floor under the bathtub. Both were busted. The guys from Sons Of Guns were convinced that they really could ignite a propane tank with a single shot, even though the Build Team had already busted it. They were so convinced that they invited Kari and Tory to watch them try. They failed. Cutting the Knot. In a test to see whether men or women were better at packing cars, one of the items that needed to be packed was an inflatable beach ball. Adam makes special note of one participant, who was the first (and possibly only) one out of the total 20 participants who actually thought of deflating the beach ball before packing it. In defense of the other 19, they may have believed that the point of the test was to account for something the size of the inflated ball. Curb-Stomp Battle. Any time Jamie and Adam do some type of build-off, Jamie, who is more experienced in engineering of the two, tends to kick Adams ass quite easily. There are several exceptions, however, including Needle In a Haystack and Paper Crossbow. Fluchschnitt Kurz. During the Laser Blaster myth from Star Wars . The Myth Strikes Back, Jamie gets hit in the groin by a foam ping-pong ball being used as a shot from said gun. Before he says It got me in the cock, the camera quickly snaps to Adam before Jamie can utter the last word in that sentence. Dangerous Phlebotinum Interaction : Parodied with a line by Adam that provides the page quote, where the actual names of the ingredients for an experiment are blurred out to keep from giving the audience ideas. Adam: This ingredient is made of blur. Hah. And this has blur in it too. Blur is very dangerous. You dont want to mix blur with blur. When examining the Hindenburg disaster, they tested the flammable properties of both the hydrogen gas and the zeppelins metallic paint, and decided that a combination of the two was probably responsible. When they were testing a Breaking Bad method of Disposing of a Body. they accelerated sulfuric acid with some special sauce to make something monstrously corrosive. Deadly Rotary Fan. The ceiling fan decapitation myth. Deadpan Snarker. Jamie . Adam tries, but usually cant keep a straight enough face to fully invoke the trope. The Narrator also indulges, and quite skillfully. Deserted Island. Subverted in the Duct Tape Island episode. We never see anyone else but the two MythBusters (and, briefly, some of the camera crew), but Adam and Jamie noted that the beach they landed on had quite a few footprints. and the overhead drawings included maps that looked suspiciously like the island of Oahu (the most populous island in the Hawaiian chain). Their access to sushi and fried chicken is also something of a giveaway and in the Aftershow online episode they admitted theyd actually slept in a hotel but all the builds they did were real enough. In the episode itself, Adam managed to catch a wild chicken with a duct tape trap, then gave a quick No Animals Were Harmed disclaimer to assure fans that the wild chicken was released, and the chicken he and Jamie eat later on was store-bought. Ditzy Genius. Adam is the very definition of this trope, building and using complex machinery and making equally complex scientific observations, all while retaining the mindset of a ten year old on caffeine. Dive Under the Explosion. They tested the Dive to Survive trope. It was ruled plausible but dependent on what type of explosive is being used. It worked well against a Hollywood-style gasoline fireball, but the ANFO broke every single blast disk. Dont Try This at Home. Before every episode is a little video with Jamie and Adam stating this. The build team often makes a second video announcement midway through the show. Its also usually stated throughout the show. Oddly, these little videos are entirely absent from the UK edition (with its British voiceover) shown on Sky. Make of that what you will. The most dangerous builds are still given a warning or two in passing during construction. During the YouTube Special:Adam . If I find out that any of you tried this at home, Ill personally come to your house and kick your butt. Inverted, rarely. There have been a handful of myths the show has explicitly stated were okay for the viewers to try. One of the 2014 episodes was Do Try This At Home, featuring myths that could theoretically be tried by anyone without needing the specialized equipment or elaborate builds the team uses. However, the question mark in the title was intentional, as the MythBusters ruled that about half of the experiments were still too dangerous for them to recommend that the audience actually do themselves. On another note, there was a also a book based on the show that had sections that detailed how you can try the myth at home but in a different manner such as the Quicksand Sucks myth, you can replicate it at home with cornstarch and water. The tagline of the book was Dont try this at home. (Unless we tell you to) During Big Rig Myths, the Build Team tested the effects of drafting on fuel economy. Depending on the distance from the front vehicle, they found an almost 40 increase in efficiency. However, all involved parties stressed that drafting is highly dangerous, could get you killed, and even in the controlled conditions they were all clearly nervous about doing it. Adam Savages twitter handle is literally donttrythis . A few times, in order to really prevent people from trying this stuff at home, they just plain dont show the really dangerous stuff. In the Flamethrower vs Fire Extinguisher myth, we arent shown how Jamie built his homemade flame thrower (except for a few shots of his silhouette behind a curtain as he pounds a hammer on a table8212which probably wasnt even part of the actual process of building the thing). Occasionally averted when a myth is tested that doesnt involve dangerous stuff, like the Diet Coke / Mentos myth (though any replication should be done outside) or the interleaved phonebooks myth. Does This Remind You of Anything : To test a myth of a tornado sending a sheet of glass fast enough to decapitate someone, the Build Team made Neckman, a guy with a biiig neck. Now, take a look at him if you dont see it, squint. Now, what does it look like Lampshaded in preparation of a Sith myth. specifically the lightsaber fight from Revenge of the Sith . Adam is building a safe replica lightsaber, which is basically a long rubber tube. As hes sliding it into the metallic sheathe that will allow it to register hits, he remarks that this reminds him of something. Double Entendre. Jamie, Adam, and the Build Team made a few from time to time, but the narrator absolutely loves making them. Kari . ( attempting to describe Viagra which was used for one myth ) Im trying to dance around how to say this, because families might have their kids watching. Um, Santas little helper Daddys little helper Maybe Mommas little helper Regarding the speed governor of a modern elevator: Jamie . So what youre saying is if you take the balls off, it dont work no more. Discussing a crossbow made out of newspaper:Adam . Just thinking this one through from a mechanical standpoint. Id be totally pleased with 2 inches of penetration. Jamie . Generally, I prefer a little bit more. Narrator (about a giraffe) . Shes just not taking Adams banana. which isnt surprising. Tory is unable to resist one while sanding a long Brazilian ipe dowel into a spear to test the Shotgun Spear myth:Tory: This is the hardest wood Ive ever worked with. winks to the camera Dramatic Gun Cock. On a few occasions, Adam has asked post-production (on-camera) if they could add this sound effect to the breech-loading air cannon hes working with. They always oblige. Dramatic Irony. The Cannonball Chemistry episode begins with a statement that it was during that episode that the infamous cannonball accident happened. Later, theyre at the Alameda County bomb range, where the incident occurred, for testing of the cannons. The Narrator carefully describes all the safety measures theyre taking to make sure things dont go wrong. while everyone watching knows these measures wont be enough. Dream Team. Occasionally all five MythBusters will come together to work on a single myth like Compact Compact, Border Slingshot and Seesaw Saga. More of a modern variant as the build team used to merely help out and handle smaller aspects of the myth. Eventually they spun them off into their own workshop in order to generate more content faster. Alton Brown teamed up with Adam and Jamie to test several culinary myths. Unlike some of the other guest stars that have been on the show, A. B. actually had an important and active role in the testing of the myths. Driving into a Truck. MythBusters did it once, to see if it was really doable or just Hollywood magic. (It is really doable.) Duct Tape for Everything. Five entire episodes have been devoted to duct tape, in which duct tape has been used to build a cannon, build a boat, build a rope bridge, lift a car, hold a cars frame together, and cover the entirety of an airplane. The third, and probably most extreme, episode has Adam and Jamie surviving on an island, in the style of Survivor . Man vs. Wild . or Survivorman . with (almost) nothing but duct tape to help them. They manage to: build shoes and hats to protect their bodies build spears and nets to fish and catch wild chickens, respectively build water sacs to get fresh water from a spring build shelter made of tarps and hammocks make a fire bow to build a fire make a chess set and surfboard to entertain themselves and, finally, build a canoe and provision storage to escape the island WOW. The fourth episode follows in the same vein, with the pair being stranded in the desert and trying to make do. It culminates with them each building a raft and going down some rapids - though they chose to portage the Inevitable Waterfall. The fifth duct tape special, shown exclusively on the Science Channel, sees them testing duct tape as a seat belt replacement, and finally building a full-sized trebuchet using only lumber and duct tape. A Discovery Channel commercial claims that theyve used 15 miles of duct tape over the course of the show. invoked Dude, Not Funny. When a (now former) producer forced Kari, Scottie, and Tory to hook up an electric fence battery to an Ark of The Covenant replica, and trick Adam into touching it, his reaction is this. Mostly because it was potentially lethal, and there was nothing funny about how excruciating it was (theres a reason that producer was fired). Though, Karis hilariously insensitive remark, Do you feel God. was kind of funny. Dunking the Bomb. This got tested in episode 81 Grenades and Guts by putting a grenade into a bucket of water. The bucket was annihilated in the explosion, but Adam and Jamie differed on the verdict of whether or not it would save ones life. (Adam said no because it still gave one of the stand-ins a lethal injury Jamie disagreed, pointing out that the injuries to the stand-ins werent as serious as the control, plus unlike Jumping on a Grenade. it didnt require a Heroic Sacrifice .) Ear Trumpet. Parodied by Adam during a build he was assembling a huge funnel, and when he finished it he held it up to one ear. Whats that you say, sonny I cant hear you Early Installment Weirdness : The first seasons, when it was mostly just Jamie and Adam, with some secondary urban legend experts. Also, their rating system wasnt fully developed, so various terms (most commonly true) were used instead of confirmed, and plausible didnt even exist as a rating. In the first episode they examine a myth (the JATO Rocket Car) and then examine another myth (Pop Rocks), a template followed for much of the first season. In later episodes the myths are intercut with each other throughout the episode. The process of obtaining the necessary equipment to test a myth was often given a fair amount of screen time, and Adam or Jamie would be the ones on the phone. Today this is no longer the case, as even if the producers werent taking care of equipment procurement now, the shows fame and reputation allow them to easily obtain almost anything except certain levels of military equipment or extremely dangerous/toxic substances. Eat That. The Cold Feet myth went to great efforts to unnerve the Build Team, and required Kari, a pescetarian, to choose from a smorgasbord of bizarre and spoiled animal parts and live insects, ostensibly to test whether fear makes ones feet cold. Kari . Why is it that I am a grown woman and boys are still trying to make me eat bugs Education Through Pyrotechnics Edutainment Show Eek, a Mouse : When testing the Snowplow blows over car myth, they get an old snowplow. Grant and Kari jump and yelp when they discover it has a rodent in residence. Grant: I feel kind of bad now. This was its home. Adam and Jamie once tested the myth of whether elephants were naturally fearful of mice (as seen in many cartoons) by visiting an elephant reserve in Africa and actually placing a mouse in an elephants path. They did this twice and in both cases the elephant didnt stampede away, but it stopped in its tracks at the presence of the mouse and actively avoided it, thus earning the myth a Plausible. Epic Fail. This is usually the basis for most myths. Sometimes it actually happens while testing myths, with the Supersized Rocket Car Revisit being one of the best examples of such. A less spectacular (but generally weirder) case of this involves the MythBusters and microwaves. In season one, Jamie decided to try building a super-microwave using four magnetrons pointed at a metal box. A glass of water was measured before and after being exposed to the microwave for several minutes. The super-microwave was very loud while in operation. but was not only ineffective at heating the water, the temperature of the water had dropped a couple of degrees. Adam: Youve made a refrigerator A callback of sorts happened about three years later on the Holiday Special. One of the myths tested was whether a ships radar could roast a turkey. The internal temperature of the turkey before being put on the radar: 50 degrees Fahrenheit. After an hour of cooking on the radar. 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Did I mention that the external temperature was higher than that of the turkeyQuoted by Adam on the Do Try This At Home special. The myth was that a large amount of metronomes placed on a platform will eventually sync up, but when Adam and Jamie ramped it up to 216 metronomes on a air hockey table, all they got in the end was a syncopated symphony and a set of metronome dominoes . Looking at the aftermath, Adam sums it up nicely. Adam: This is the biggest fail we have ever achieved Narrator . And in the pouch will be. lets call it genetic legacy. Jamie . Genetic legacy Its sperm . Every kid in grade school knows that. Helps make babies, you know Everybody Knew Already. While describing the James Bond boat jump myth, Adam says that they are at a secret location, while standing in front of a sign that clearly states Lake Yosemite. Immediately after Adams briefing, The Narrator hangs the lampshade by calling it the not-so-secret location. Every Car Is a Pinto. Subverted. Theyve tested several myths regarding this trope, and busted the majority of them. (It turns out it is possible for a car to explode on impact under the right circumstances, but gas tanks are positioned specifically to avoid those circumstances in the first place.) Everyone Has Standards. When it comes to animal experiments, they do draw the line if it involves anything above insects. Insects are fair game just as long as they were bred for science. Pig cadavers are a common practice since theyre used as analogues in place of humans, but (in early episodes) the pigs had to have died of natural causes in order to be allowed. (The myths tested with those pigs involved the rotting process of a body, so whole carcasses, unmodified, were required for the best results. Later episodes got pigs from a slaughterhouse, albeit one that was8212according to the hosts8212relatively humane.) Ballistic gel models are also used and made to mimic the human form. And they flat-out refused to put a dog in a microwave. Everything Explodes Ending. Almost every episode in the later seasons. Exactly What It Says on the Tin. During the Western Myths episode, after Grant, Tory and Kari fire a lockpick through a dummy head, the narrator states that if there ever was an experiment that was exactly what it said on the tin, this is it. Exact Words. For the series finale, they advertised their biggest explosion ever on the show. It was bigger than the shows previous record-holder by a single pound. They didnt say how much bigger Expansion Pack Past. Jamie the man has lived an interesting life. May be more of a Multiple-Choice Past depending on how much Adam is making a joke of it at any given time. Jamie . Did I ever tell you that I worked as a concrete inspector for several months up in Seattle Adam . Was this before or after you were the big animal veterinarian for the circus Jamie . No, I never did that. You must be mistaken. While Adam and Jamie are interlacing the pages of a phone book (to allegedly make them inseparable): Experimental Archeology. The basis of many myths. Escape from Alcatraz in a rubber life raft Check Lawnchair balloonist Check Build and sail a boat out of ice and newspaper Check Ming Dynasty astronaut going up in a rocket chair Um. check, but only for a certain value of going up. (Poor Buster. ) Some accounts of the Ming astronaut say that he was never seen again. Now we know why . Experiment Show. MythBusters is considered the first. Expository Hairstyle Change : Sort of. When the series started, Adam had a goatee and short buzz cut, and sometimes had his head completely shaved (especially after the Goldfinger myth which required him to shave his entire body and the Exploding Cellphone myth which singed off his eyebrow and a chunk of his hair). As hes gotten older, hes generally gone for medium-length hair and almost a full beard. You can also easily tell how much post-production work and myth-testing time goes into the series just by looking at Kari: shell sometimes have a different haircut or hair color during the expository segments (the ones where they establish the myth and brainstorm methods to tackle it), and sometimes even during the actual testing. Sometimes there are episodes in which Kari actually has THREE different hair colors (one in the expo sequences and two during testing) while tackling the same myth. Any person who cares for his/her hair knows the time that must be spent between dying sessions to not damage it, so this is an easy way to identify a myth that took a LONG time to test. During the Cannonball Chemistry segment, Tory bounces back and forth between clean-shaven and full beard. But that is the segment interrupted by a ricocheting cannonball touring a residential neighborhood. Failure Montage. While testing the claim that dental floss can cut through prison bars, Grant initially tried to build a floss-bot out of things a prisoner could plausibly get his hands on (primarily a cassette-tape player). Cue one Failure Montage, complete with bleeped-out swearing and frustrated throwing of robot parts. Failsafe Failure : Played straight, usually equipment built by the MythBusters themselves. The radio-controlled real cars are supposed to apply brakes when they get out of radio range, for instance. Also, in the Elevator of Death test:Adam . Anticlimactically enough, I believe Ive disabled the entire mechanism by removing this simple pin. Also subverted, as more than one Busted verdict has come about due to the presence of failsafes on equipment such as washing machines and elevators, and the sometimes absurd measures needed to defeat them in order to replicate the myths results. In testing the hot water heater myth, they proved that if both safety devices are removed or plugged, the heater can become a rocket and will potentially demolish anything in its flight path. which is why there are two safety devices in the first place. Its worth mentioning that the failure of both was considered entirely plausible (especially since Adam posited that some homeowners would cap the safety valve because they didnt realize what it was really for8212bonus points if the valve was already leaking water, because that usually means the thermostat has already failed ) as a result, and since the researchers had found actual occurrences of that exact type of failure, the myth was Confirmed. In Exploding Bumper, they heated a car bumper to see if they could make the hydraulic damper explode from the pressure. Instead it vented out through a tiny hole. Without missing a beat Adam said Ill bet thats supposed to be there. In the Bus Jump test, Grant put so many failsafes on the remote controlled bus that he claimed that if it went out of control, hed eat his multi-tool case. The receiver battery died and the bus crashed into an all too familiar fence before stopping. No word on whether or not Grant actually ate his tool case. although he did say that hed eat it fried, with a little bit of powdered sugar. Happened during the making of the Cannonball Chemistry episode, with near-disastrous consequences (see Gone Horribly Wrong below). And there were plenty of failsafes in place in this case, as there are any time the MythBusters deal with weaponry, but an unforeseen combination of circumstances thwarted them. Occasionally myths (especially ones that have been around longer) are tested under the assumption that a failsafe isnt being properly maintained. For example, when seeing if deep-sea pressure could really push a divers entire body into his helmet, the team was thinking it would be busted when they learned of pressure check valves in old deep-sea diving suits, but the expert they were consulting told them that the valves often werent cleaned or repaired regularly and so they might want to test the myth based on that. Famous Last Words. Discussed by the narrator during the Cold Feet episode, when (acrophobic) Tory is about to go flying on a stunt plane. Tory . Ah, crap . Narrator . As last words go, Tory, you might wanna rethink those. Faux Horrific. Some gags when theyre examining sites and/or supplies to test myths commonly involve references to horror movies or Horror Tropes. For example during the testing of a piano dropping through the roof of a house into a basement. The Build Team was looking through a house already slated for demolition and Kari closes the bathrooms medicine cabinet to reveal Tory holding an axe behind her, cue her releasing an over-the-top scream. Finger in a Barrel. They tested this trope, and its busted. The victim will lose his finger if not his hand, gun still works if not a bit damaged, and the shooter is always uninjured. They also made a parody of this trope: 2 555. At one point during the first Pirate Special, there was a fake infomercial for a cannon that Adam and Jamie made and one of these numbers was scrolled along the bottom of the screen. Five-Man Band. Considering it is a pseudo-reality show you know it was mostly intentional. The Leader 8212 Jamie. He owns M-5 and was responsible for the initial concept of the show, alongside Peter Rees. He often develops the plan for how a myth will be tackled and keeps everybody on-track in their respective roles within the build, although a lot of his leadership is cut out because he can come off as very gruff when telling people what to do. The Lancer 8212 Adam. He was chosen by Jamie as co-host because he considers himself too dull. Also The Face as he is the most gregarious and outgoing of the team, and gives the most public presentations. While Jamie is the most iconic person on the show, Adam is the one most responsible for presenting the show to the audience. The Big Guy 8212 Tory. Reasonably athletic, he is the one who usually tests the more physically challenging myths. Also has the most jokes at his expense, often involving slapstick. The Smart Guy 8212 First Scottie. then Grant. They make the robots. Grant is not necessarily smarter than anyone else, but is the only member of the team with a degree related to what they do (electrical engineering), giving him a larger base of knowledge to tackle certain builds. The Chick 8212 Kari. The only (permanent) girl of the group. Known mostly for her artistry skills, but shes more than willing to get her hands dirty when the situation calls for it. Usually more reasonable than the others but is just as fond of explosives as everyone else on the show. Also has a fondness for high-powered firearms. Overall, shes about as capable as everyone else, but suffers some Chickification due to editing. Fluffy the Terrible. Grant cracks up when he hears that one of the trained alligators is literally named Fluffy. The other two are Skipper and Bob. Fold Spindle Mutilation. This trope was the gruesome result of testing whether a diver in an old-time pressure suit would be crushed up into the suits helmet if the air-pumps and the check valve failed. For Science. The reason behind the whole show - up until you reach the point in the episode where they decide to hell with it and blow something up. One might contend that that too is science, albeit in an Aperture-inspired manner. Foregone Conclusion. The team will also sometimes test things that they know in advance will be confirmed or busted (especially if it promises to be spectacular) because the true purpose of the show is to investigate and explain the science behind the results. Subverted when the team tests a myth that they know has a foregone conclusion, only to achieve surprising and sometimes eye-opening results. Foreshadowing. In the intro of the Phone Book Friction myth, the bluescreen first showed Adam and Jamie alone tugging on the phone books, then two groups of people, then two cars, then two tanks. These are the methods they attempted to pull the phone books apart. Guess which one worked. Forgotten Phlebotinum. Averted so long as a testing rig doesnt get destroyed during the course of a myth the MythBusters will usually put it in storage so that it can be used again for revisits or (usually with some modifications) similar myths. Look at how many times they re-purposed the sword-swinging robot. Four-Temperament Ensemble. Adam is phlegmatic and sanguine, Tory is sanguine and choleric, Jamie is choleric and melancholic, Grant is melancholic and phlegmatic, and Kari is leukine. Freak Out. The Narrator has a brief one in the Trombone Revisit episode after hearing Jamie tell J. D. how he used to play the tuba while doing business on the toilet. Freudian Trio. The build team 8212 Kari is the Id, Tory is the Ego, and Grant is the Superego. Funny Background Event. Oftentimes, if someone is expositing to the camera, someone else will slip into the background and mess around. In one episode, Kari, Grant and Tory are testing a food myth. Grant is shown with a mouthful of meat, chewing in slow motion. Kari (a vegetarian) is seen watching. Her expression is priceless. In another episode, Adam (disguised as Jamie) is dancing in quite over the top fashion in background, while the actual Jamie is talking. From the Multitasking myth: while Kari explains the testing procedure, Tory can be seen picking up the windup toy baby which is supposed to be kept from wandering off, and ensures it cant wander off. by shutting it up in a cabinet. During the Titanic myth, theres an interlude where Jamie and James Cameron are on the floor of the shop discussing the myths historical context. Behind them is a steel barrel that has a raging fire in it, which neither of them pay any mind to. until Adam comes in, puts it out with a fire extinguisher, and wordlessly exits. Fun Personified. Adam is as close to a Real Life example as youll ever get. Fun T-Shirt. Adam has plenty of them, often with quotes from the show. ltMythbustergt Am I missing an eyebrowlt/Mythbustergt has featured for years. Adams a Target shopper, as one of his more frequently-appearing shirts I do my own stunts is a fixture at that store. Fun with Subtitles : In one episode they were working a pulley system to ensure two semi-trucks would collide at a specific point. Jamie wanted to double the amount of breakaway rope while Adam felt that the two ropes they were using would be good enough. (They eventually compromised, going with three ropes.) When the system fell apart because of the ropes breaking off too early, Jamie was a good enough sport not to boast about it. He explained to the camera (in a very fault-neutral manner) what happened and how they were going to fix it, the subtitles filled in what he was really saying. In another episode, Adam starts a bizarre explanation of a build in a fake French accent. The subtitler struggles with it for a while before finally giving up in confusion. In the Bullet vs. RPG episode, Grant asks if he can be the one to fire the RPG. John replies Well see. The subtitle below says NO Gatling Good. When something involves shooting a gun, chances are good that they repeat the very same test with a minigun just for the heck of it. Gas Cylinder Rocket. It didnt launch upwards, but did slam its way straight through a concrete-block wall at floor level. Gender-Blender Name. Jamie and Tory (both male). Former cast members Scottie, Jessi, and Jess the Mythtern (all female). Also Robin Banks (male), the narrator on the European version of the show. Its worth remembering that Tory is short for the very male (and very Italian) name Salvatore. Jamie is a variant form of Jimmy, being a nickname for anyone called James. (Next time you watch the Jimmy Hoffa episode, listen closely when Jamie does the piece-to-camera.) At least in England, Jamie is exclusively a male name, and Jess is usually female. Genki Girl. Kari, and it shows. Genki Guy. Adam, even more than Kari fits the girl version. Genre Blindness. None of the cast, but in the Jaws episode, one of Adams contacts from the special effects world was able to get him three of the yellow plastic barrels that were were actually used in the film, with the admonishment that they werent to be damaged. This was remarked upon by Tory. Adam . The only things we cant do are burn em, blow em up, or lose em. Tory . Has he watched the show This gets repeated a lot when fancy stuff is used in myths, like original production swords and guns. The worst might have been an antique brass diving helmet that was borrowed on the reassurance that nothing would happen to it for a pressure test, and it was all but destroyed. Its still in the shop, as Grant would note in a later episode that it was not in returnable condition, so apparently the owner didnt want it back. Genre Savvy : Adam has repeatedly mentioned that if nothing goes wrong in the small-scale tests, or the setup for the final test, there will be some kind of catastrophic failure at the end. Hes rarely wrong. Also proven correct in the Rocket Car Revisited segment of the Supersized Myths Special, where almost every preparation step went on flawlessly only to have the entire car explode the instant the rocket was ignited as it hit the launching ramp. Adam . I think somebody owes me ten thousand bucks. Every once in a while, the MythBusters will predict how the show will be edited. This was especially apparent in the Behind the Scenes special. Usually theyre right, because theyre predicting a cut back to something they said earlier, which is now very foolish. Adam . Theyre gonna cut back to me saying, In six hours Jamies still gonna be messing with this while were all just kicking back. cut About six hours from now, Jamies still gonna be trying to find his needles while were all kicking back sipping mimosas in the shade. While some contributors of items to the show exhibit Genre Blindness. some know that theyre not likely to see the item intact ever again8212in fact, some look forward to seeing it destroyed. One of the earliest examples of this was Cadillac Ben, who donated Earl the Caddy to the MythBusters at the beginning of season 2, with the intent of seeing it destroyed. It eventually was, but it took several episodes before it was finally put out of its misery8212with Ben as a live witness. Getting Crap Past the Radar : When Jamie - who for all his Memetic Badassery is terrified of heights - finally crossed a bridge made of Duct Tape that was suspended 150 feet in the air at a dry dock. The narrator gets in on the action from time to time. An easy one to miss especially since it references the space shuttle and has a mundane secondary meaning, but when Tory is trying to lift 200 lbs of weights, Grant cautions him to be careful or hell blow out his o-ring. One could say he was making a NASA joke about Tory hurting his back, but since Tory was already using proper lifting technique, one could also say Grant was making a jab of another sort. At the beginning of the Exploding Steak episode, with Adam holding a hammer and a large piece of meat:Jamie . Adam, I thought we talked about doing that while youre at work. In the first Alaska episode, theres a brief shot of Karis full name written in cursive in the snow, followed by another brief shot of Kari zipping up her snow suit. In the beginning of the Helium Football episode, Adam sticks two footballs up his shirt to the upper part of his chest . 2014 episode Bullet Baloney:Tory . This is the hardest wood Ive ever worked with. Narrator . Tory, with his hard wood in hand. In the Paper Crossbow episode, Adam remarks that from a mechanical standpoint, hed be perfectly pleased with two inches of penetration. In response, Jamie deadpans: Generally I prefer a little bit more. 2016s Rocketman:Glasses Pull. Tory does one of these (complete with a corny Quip to Black ) after setting up a myth from an episode of CSI: Miami . Theres even a very subtle YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH during the scene change. Gone Horribly Right. Happens sometimes, when the results of a test (typically an explosive test) were greater than anticipated. The sawdust/creamer cannon may be the most definitive example. The Esparto explosion was another example the blast in the quarry was larger than expected, causing havoc in the nearby town, leading the MythBusters to become personaelig non grataelig there. Gone Horribly Wrong. Despite being what you call experts, there are still occasionally major accidents and people either get hurt or come dangerously close to doing so. One of the most infamous was Cannonball Chemistry, where a misfire at the test range sent a cannonball over a hill and bouncing around a suburban neighborhood, including through a house . across a six-lane street, and into a (parked) car. Its a miracle nobody got hurt. The episode covering the experiment skipped the footage of the incident itself and the aftermath (in accordance with the wishes of the victims of that accident) instead cutting off right after the misfire happened and returning to the discussion table at M7, where the Build Team quickly outlined what happened afterward, the steps they took to help the community, and the steps they took to avoid that type of disaster in the future. When this was brought up in the reunion special after the series end, news footage from the town showing some of the damage the cannonball did was shown. Gonna Need More X. Sometimes they have to add more explosive components or other mundane things like rope, or distance, or weight, etc. Inverted in the water on a grease fire myth at one point Adam and Jamie attempted to scale down the fireball by reducing the amounts of water and oil, as well as the size of the pan. The fireball still ended up being too large to properly measure, prompting Adam to remark:Adam . I think were gonna need a smaller scale A Good Name for a Rock Band. Touch of Orange, the name Adam comes up with for his future cover band when theyre testing flu myths and using a snot-like substance that glows orange under a dark lamp. Grand Finale. For the final episode, the team decided to send off the show in style rather than just do another episode of experimenting. As such, the segments are less about finding things out (though as it happens theyre still very educational) and more about summarizing everything the MythBusters have been about for nearly 15 years in explosive fashion. Groin Attack : Tory gets clocked by a playful goat during the Fainting Goat segment of the Viral Hour episode. He also got hit by a rock attached to a kites tail during the Ben Franklin myth. Appropriately, this happened immediately after he called it the death kite and the kite of punishment. During the Superhero Special, he hit himself down there with a ballistics gel fist. Tory: If I had a nickel for every time I got hit in the nuts on this show, I could retire. Star Wars . The Myth Strikes Back was full of these, especially the Dodge a Bolt section. In addition to Jamies above, that poor stormtrooper armor seemed to have a target on its crotch while it was empty. One of them got hit close enough for discomfort during the myth, itself. Both Busters got one in the lightsaber portion of the episode. Had the Silly Thing in Reverse. Inverted and thankfully averted, as Jamie reminds Adam that since his excavator is facing backwards on the dump truck, he doesnt have to set it to reverse. Hair-Trigger Explosive : Subverted when testing out the myth that a defibrillator could cause a nitroglycerin patch to explode. It was soundly busted. Another one is if C4 can blow up if put into a microwave. It can, but only if it has a blasting cap in it. Another subversion is that burning C4 doesnt make it go off. Also, dropping an anvil, stomping it, and shooting it with any bullet they tried didnt make it blow. For the final try, they ignited thermite right on top of C4. That didnt work. The scene in Breaking Bad where mercury of fulminate was thrown to the ground was busted, as it didnt explode. Then the actors (who were guest-starring) tried to Handwave by saying Walt had a bit of fulminate of silver with the mercury. The claim that a binary explosive used in special effects work can be set off in a car wreck was busted. Its far too stable to be set off that way. and thats assuming anyones dumb enough to transport the stuff already mixed . Hard To Light Fire. Many times not just in the Lighting a Fire myth, but most attempts to cause fireballs or explosions in line with a myth end up failing due to the reality of the materials or poor stoichiometry. Hard Work Montage. Except for when the editors are having fun. the work is usually shown, in either a series of jump cuts (most often used with Grant building a robot) or an extended time lapse for something that takes longer than people think it should, or just the size (like putting together the paper used for the 8 folds myth). In later seasons, they add flavor by having a (digitally added) member of the Build Team standing a distance away explaining some aspect of the build itself. In at least one case, Tory turns toward the montage and tells himself to hurry up. Himself doesnt take Torys encouragement very well. Hat Damage. During the myth about shooting a thrown airborne grenade, Jamie allows Adam to shoot his hat after they practice skeet shooting. Heh Heh, You Said X. During the toilet experiment in The Simpsons special, Adam points out anytime anyone 8212 including him 8212 says number two. Helium Speech : Adam does this any time helium is used on the show. Also inverted when Adam inhaled sulphur hexafluoride to speak with a demon-like heavy voice . Jamie gets in on the act during the Helium Raft episode as well, which is pretty hilarious since you dont expect it. Karis kind of funny when shes been breathing in helium, also 8212 which is likewise seen in the Helium Raft episode as they struggle to deflate it again. Hidden Purpose Test. When Jamie and Adam tested the Mission: Impossible Latex Perfection mask, they tried it out on several observers who thought they were helping with a different myth. Later in the episode, they did a different such test with Grant and Kari. Hoist by His Own Petard. In a spy car test, a smokebomb released behind Jamies convertible was sucked back into the car by the airflow and forced him to pull over. Hong Kong Dub. Invoked by Adam during one of the pre-commercial break teasers in the Ninjas 2 episode, to hilarious effect (especially as the final part of the dub occurs with Adam having already been shot dead by three arrows and not moving his mouth at all). Honorary Uncle. Considering Adams description of the team as like family. it is fitting that Jamie has been occasionally referred to as Uncle Jamie 8212 twice by Adam . of all people (Ancient Death Ray, 2004 8212 during the What is Bulletproof segment, and again during Tablecloth Chaos in 2010) and also by Robert Lee, the narrator (Viral Hour, 2008, during the Sawdust cannon section.). Hot Blooded Sideburns. Adam rocks some serious mutton chops in the final season. Hulk Speak. Say it with me: Jamie want big boom. Humiliation Conga. Usually happens whenever a myth just implodes on the guys. Adam Dangling upside-down, caught in a mesh net from the giant helium raft : This wins as the strangest position Ive ever been in. on this show. Kari . Dont you love how he qualifies it with on this show Hurricane of Puns : During an episode that eventually required dropping a pig carcass from a helicopter: The Pork Chopper. There were many more. Another from a sub-variant of exploding lava lamps. What have they bean doing while waiting for a giant can of beans to explode Well theyve bean making bean jokes of course. I Call Her Vera. When they test myths involving cannons, they frequently use a cannon called Old Moses, so named because it speaks in a mighty voice and lays down the law. Idiosyncratic Wipes. Scene transitions are almost always tailored to the myth being tested. Idiot Ball. Even they admitted it. They test fired a cannon designed to shoot out a 10 pound grappling hook. without taking into account the hooks mass in determining how firmly the cannon needed to be anchored down. Which law of physics is it again. Kari . Oh, Newtons Laws We forgot the Newtons Laws Narrator . Oh, you mean the one that says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction Tory . You know, we did a lot of experiments on this show, things have gone wrong, but thats the first time that Ive ever felt that much danger. Jamie called this on himself in Killer Tissue Box, when his crash cart design didnt survive the initial setup test: I didnt do the engineering, and I didnt do the math, because I thought I understood what was going on and I thought I made a good rig. But I was wrong. I should have done it. Jamie holds it again during the initial smokescreen test of Spy Car Myths. Driving a convertible as the spy car, Jamie didnt account for the low air pressure zone created by the open cabin. Some of the smoke from his smokescreen (intended to blind Adam, riding in a chase car) got sucked into the spy cars cabin and blinded Jamie as well. They later redid the test after moving the smoke bombs further away from the car, and thus confirmed the myth. Narrowly averted with a sword swinging robot, only because they realized after it was built that the horizontal swing arc was at head level. they were just really careful around it. Didnt stop Tory cracking his head on it anyway (while standing up).Grant . while unsheathing the blade Decapitation hazard, everybody Trying to test if a frozen or unfrozen chicken causes more damage to a aeroplane windshield, which they tested on windshields not rated for bird strikes . They managed to bust the myth (and a lot of windshields) anyway. note A later revisit changed the outcome of the myth to Plausible the backup test used in that particular episode turned out to be a red herring. Tory and bicycles. I thought I could make it. They said I made it. Kari . That was clearly sarcasm . I Have the High Ground. Tests the advantage that Obi Wan Kenobi supposedly has over Anakin Skywalker in a lightsaber fight. Its busted: out of 50 rounds between Jamie and Adam after proper swordsmens training, the combatant on higher ground won only 26, just barely over half. Ill Kill You. Quoted after the Build Teams Dont Drive Angry myth. The latter part of the myth involved Kari driving both Grant and Tory up the wall, involving the most irritating and uncomfortable car to drive in, anti-relaxation pastimes (a fish foot-bath for Grant, a pummeling man-massage for Tory), and the consumption of caffeine drinks with added laxatives to really push them over the edge. Once the test was over and confirmed. Kari came clean and told them that the laxatives were vitamins . Cue her infuriated co-workers trying to strangle her. Grant: Are you kidding me. Im gonna kill you If the pre-episode bump is any indication, she may not have known the laxatives were vitamins at the time if thats true, Grant and Tory should have been going after the producers instead. Immortality Begins at 20. Adams Expansion Pack Past jokes about Jamie often humorously factor this in, such as when they are setting up the Arrow Machine Gun myth:Adam: In fact, this design was built by Dionysus the Elder over 2,300 years ago, back when you were just a little tyke Jamie: I remember it like it was only yesterday. Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy. Proven with the Laser Blaster myth from Star Wars . The Myth Strikes Back. The shots from the blasters are calculated between 130-135 mph (209-217 km/h), and even when testing from both ready and holstered positions, the shots were much too fast for Adam and Jamie to dodge. Impossibly Cool Clothes. Parodied. Jamies standard outfit on the show is khaki pants, a white dress shirt (that almost never gets dirty ) over a black t-shirt, red sneakers and his trademark black beret. In one episode it was so windy Jamie almost lost the beret and Adam realized that hadnt ever happened before. Adam once said that Jamies outfit (and generally appearance, really) is so iconic that he gets recognized by fans much more often when he and Jamie are together than when Adam is by himself. Adam: I might be that guy from that show, but Jamie is without a doubt that guy from that show. Improbable Aiming Skills. There are various experts they bring in who are certainly skilled with their guns, but they have proven that some skills like hitting a coin out of the air isnt a first shot kind of thing. And then on the Davy Crockett split bullet myth, Tory makes the shot on their last attempt before letting the expert get a crack at it. Incendiary Exponent. Alle. Das. Zeit. In one episode Adam states, the only thing that separates us from a couple of teenage pyromaniacs is ballistic glass. In another, he tells the audience that the difference between you and us is that we call the fire department first . Incredibly Lame Pun. About evenly divided between the two leads, though as a general rule Adams tend to be more blatantly funny and Jamies more intentionally groan-inducing. For instance, after successfully making a lead balloon, Jamie suggested that next time they should take a crack at a lead zeppelin. And he proposed calling an airborne dummy Ariel (aerial). These are also staples of Robert Lees episode narrations. The Build Team are also very prone to this, especially Kari. Generally therell be Chirping Crickets or a tumbleweed accompanying their puns. I Need a Freaking Drink. Invoked preemtively by Jerry, the blind man who was helping them test the drunken navigator portion of the Blind Driving myth. Adam . Are you willing to drive through our course being led by a drunken Jamie Jerry . Sure, as long as I can take a shot of that bottle when were done. Interactive Narrator. Averted for the most part, but occasionally the presenters will invoke it during the taping of the episode. During the Car Cling myth, Adam takes a moment to nitpick a comment the viewer just heard the narrator make, then ends on a point where the narrator promptly picks up again. In one episode, Jamie introduces a guest expert, then asks the narrator to tell the audience their guests qualifications. Robert Lee obliges. Irony. While building model Hindenburgs. which they intend to set ablaze later, one of them catches fire while Jamie is doing some repairs to the welds Adam points out it is a textbook case of irony. Adam . These things are always catching on fire I Thought It Was Forbidden. During the Simpsons special, Jamie makes a point of how he wont allow cherry bombs to be blown up in the shop for the Toilet Bomb test. By the time the Blow it Out the Water test came around, hed apparently changed his mind (albeit for a smaller version). It Makes Sense in Context. Adam drove back to M-5 with a small airplane fuselage in the back of his truck. He said on the road he got the strangest looks until they saw who was driving the truck. He has a similar story with a load of pig carcasses in the back of his truck. One episode was dedicated to showing where Adam and Jamie get all of their random parts. Adam . Im sitting in a bunker looking out at a Chinese dressed crash test dummy sitting on 70 pounds of gunpowder. sorry, I just had one of those mythbuster moments. Adam . With all the safety precautions we are taking, check this, check that, you have to stand back and say: Damn Im lightin salamis, man Im making a rocket out of meat Jumped at the Call. A literal invocation, as an eager stuntman promptly performed a diving stunt in a shot where he was simply supposed to agree to do it. Jumping the Shark invoked. Both lampshaded and parodied in the Science Channel Duct Tape Special. They bring out a giant, inflatable slide with a shark motif. A graphic appears: Number of times this show has jumped the shark: 18220822 11. They promptly fire up their duct tape trebuchet and fire-bomb the thing. Keet. Adam, full stop. The Klutz. If Adam isnt hurting himself, odds are Tory is. And if its not Tory, its Grant. Kari usually manages to stay safe, although she was entirely sidelined for a number of segments during one season with an unexplained leg injury. Lampshade Hanging. When Adam and Jamie end the episode while in a remote location (like a bomb range or quarry), they often walk off into the distance while making a last joke. In the Bullet Busters episode, they finally reference it:Jamie: Why do we always park on the other side of the hill Adam: I dont know, its stupid. Large Ham. Everyone except Jamie. Adam will frequently get into the character of myths. Tory and Grant are known to do it too, to the chagrin of Kari, but shes been known to indulge a time or two herself. Laser-Guided Karma. In a myth involving hammers . Tory hit a wooden board in the exact same spot twice, missing the nail. Grant then asked him why he didnt put the nail there. The very next try, the hammer flew out of Torys grip and skipped across the ground, passing the front of Grants steel-toed boot and hitting him in the side of the foot. Hilarity ensued. Last Second Showoff. Played with in the Powder Trail test. To see if a protagonist could really run ahead of the burning gunpowder and break the trail, Jamie lounged in a folding chair until the line of powder had burned a while, then started running. and then Adam charged in from the side and shoved Jamie away from the powder. Last-Second Word Swap. During the Cold Feet episode. Narrator: If you actually flung feces into a fan, would everyone in the vicinity end up covered in sh8212shrapnel Latex Perfection. Tested in one episode. In some of the footage not featured in the episode (but shown when they went on The Colbert Report ), the masks were shown to be good enough to fool Jamies dog. Legacy Character. The original Buster has since been retired, but his name lives on through subsequent dummies, and even for some of the Simulaids (See The Other Darrin below). Let Us Never Speak of This Again : The diaper incident from Brown Note. In a serious example, the team once handled a myth involving a common household substance that could be made into a terrific explosive. The result of their experiment was so explosive that they deemed the knowledge too dangerous to be given to the public, destroyed all footage, and pretended the test never took place. Licking the Blade. In the Videogames special, Adam licks fruit juice off his katana after playing a real-life round of Fruit Ninja . Limited Wardrobe. Unless its for a test, Jamie is almost never seen in anything other than his standard outfit of leather work boots, khaki pants, a white button-down shirt over a black undershirt, and his beret. The latex masks test used deliberate differences in his wardrobe as part of the testing. The only consistent variant is that hes often worn a long-sleeved black shirt instead of the black/white shirt combo. Grants wardrobe also qualifies hes always wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans, occasionally adding a black button-down or a black leather jacket. Little Known Facts. The source of many myths. MacGyvering. Many, if not most of the contraptions devised not to mention the episode dedicated to MacGyver . who is frequently called The Patron Saint of MythBusters . Appropriately enough, the MacGyver episode saw Adam and Jamie improvise an unexpected solution: Grant and Tory put the two at an enemy camp and challenged them to signal a helicopter. The idea was for the two to cobble together a potato gun from the parts lying around, but instead they tore down the tent and made a kite . During the Pirate Special to test whether Tory could hold onto a knife as it ripped through a sail on the way down to the deck, they built a rig with a 200 pound counterweight that would make the sail shoot straight upward while Tory held the knife in the sail. For his safety, he wore a chain mail shirt, goggles, and a football helmet. The shows final MacGyver myth of smothering explosives in concrete to safely detonate them produced problems which, appropriately, they had to fashion an improvised solution for within a limited time frame. The explosive charges floated up with the concrete instead of being smothered, and they couldnt easily get into the drum to reset them before the cement dried, forcing Adam cut a hole in the back wall of the drivers cab and climb in to re-secure it. Then they discovered that the truck was leaking which they had to also improvise a solution for. Finally they detonate the explosive and it appears to have worked. only to discover only some of the explosive went off incorrectly due to the weight of the cement dislodging the primer cord, which caused a very dangerous reset. Macross Missile Massacre / Rain of Arrows. The Hwacha. . a rig that fired 200 rocket-powered explosive tipped arrows almost simultaneously. The Hwacha worked almost perfectly (only one arrow failed to launch), but the build team actually underestimated its range, and most of the arrows overshot their foam army targets. A later myth, the Chinese Fire Dragon, took this a step further, by creating rockets that launched Hwacha-style rocket arrows. And they built ten of them. Mad Bomber. All five of them. Just because they do it safely and legally doesnt make the trope any less applicable. Mad Scientist. Just about everybody on the show. Adam . I wouldnt say Jamies an evil genius. Im not sure hes evil, and Im not sure hes a genius, but, uh. laughs During Helium Football: Adam . I love. consistent. DATA HAHAHAHA During Deep Sea DiveTory . I present to you. my creation Meat Man AHAHAHA note Ooh, I almost threw up. Although Grant seems to do the laugh best (and most frequently), as highlighted by the completion of Robo-Cat for Beat the Guard Dog:Grant . Hes alive ALIVE HAHAHAHAHAHA Made of Explodium. Subverted in nearly every episode, as just about every myth involving an explosion usually results in the items said to be explosive stubbornly refusing to detonate. Even a car fuel tank shot with incendiary rounds or left to burn for over 10 minutes. Played straight on quite a few occasions as well, like the Thermite/Ice myth, which exploded on the first try. Hilariously done straight with the Hindenburg scale tests. Adam wanted to see how fast the material would burn with and without hydrogen by setting fire to the material stretched over a box filled with the gas. Upon adding the fire to it, the fabric exploded off the box like a gunshot. Adam was noticeably shaken. The model was even set ablaze while they were merely building it, prompting the amused Adam to observe These things are always catching on fire From Exploding Port-a-PottyScottie . Maybe its a myth that methane is flammable. Adam . Its not a myth, were just idiots. Made of Iron : When Jamie responds to a pain test with an almost sarcastic ow, the narrator says Jamie is so tough, he occasionally rusts. In a retrospective on Torys bike crash, they pointed out that you can clearly see Tory faceplanting on the asphalt (his hands were tied up holding onto the bike). The fact he shrugged it off and seemed perfectly fine afterwards was an impressive feat on its own. The Man Behind the Man. Peter Rees, veteran maker of science documentaries. Creator, producer, writer, and director of MythBusters . and the guy who personally cast Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman on the show. Never seen onscreen except in certain specials like MythBusters Revealed . (Rees left the show in 2006.) Man Child. Everyone, but especially Adam and especially if explosives, high-speed collisions, or both are involved in a myth. Man Hug : Averted by Adam, because hes that manly. Adam: If I were a different kind of person Id hug you right now. pauses, then punches Jamie in the shoulder Played straight in the Storm Chasers special after the Storm Chasers vehicles are put through winds equivalent to a category 5 twister, each one hugs a Mythbuster, thanking them for not destroying the cars, before they turn and hug each other. Manipulative Editing. Invoked. In one episode, Adam and Jamie are shown solving Rubiks Cubes one with his feet and the other blindfolded, and then showed what they actually did, which was reversing the footage of them slowly scrambling the Rubiks Cubes. They even pointed out how they had crew members walk backwards through the shot and rigged a wall clock to tick in reverse, so that when they reversed the film, they would appear to walk through normally (for added realism). Mascot. Buster, the constantly abused and rebuilt crash test dummy. Mauve Shirt. John Hunt, aka John the Researcher, who appeared in three episodes in 2006, and again in the Viral Hour episode in 2008. Not seen much on-camera anymore, but hes still a researcher for the show. Medium Awareness. In myths that involve swearing (for the alleviation of pain, say) or subjects that are considered delicate to Moral Guardians. like flatulence or feces, Adam will hear and point out when one of his co-hosts uses a word that gets bleeped, and suggest a word they are allowed to use instead. In one example where profanity was actually the variable being tested for, Adam actually devises a swear helmet that obscures the test subjects lips, as the editing required to blur lips is much more time-consuming and expensive than just a standard bleep. Microwave the Dog. The myth about drying a dog in the microwave is one of the only classic urban myths Adam and crew refuse to put to the test, and the episode where this myth was brought up resulted in their first assertation of their No Animals Were Harmed policy. Million-to-One Chance. A few myths they said were reasonably plausible in theory, but to do it by accident or even on purpose requires the right alignment of stars. Those myths involve the sniper scope shot with modern scopes and one with a belt buckle with a testimonial from a local police officer. One of the best examples is the exploding bumper, where nothing they did could get the result of a bumper being launched explosively from a burning car, yet were able to prove it IS possible given JUST the right circumstances by finding a person who actually had her leg broken by this happening. Doubly so in a number of myths (see Failsafe Failure above) where there are multiple failsafes in place to prevent exactly what the myth is about requiring the MythBusters to deliberately disable them to replicate the myth (where the myth is that this happened by accident ). More Dakka. Frequently employed. At the end of their live show, they bring out an anti-aircraft paintball gun to demonstrate what kind of armor Adam would wear if he were to play paintball (A full suit of plate mail).Adam . pointing to a .30 calibre round This kills you. points to the .50 calibre round This kills you and everyone else in the room . Mondegreen. During the myth of being talked into landing and the first attempt of Adam and Jamie attempting to land by themselves while the GPWS was shouting what they thought was Dont Think until they realize it was Dont Sink which refers to altitude loss after take-off or with a high N1 setting, as in, deliberately pointing the nose downward to descend while the throttle is full or near-full, which is not recommended. Jet airliners make their descent at a low or near idle N1 setting so avoid going past 250 knots (unless the call sign includes Heavy) or their maximum structural speed. Short version, these guys had the throttle full blast and were pointing the nose downward. More Expendable Than You. Sort of. Adam once was disallowed by the producers from trying a dangerous myth because of insurance, while Tory apparently they had no problem with. But Tory may be getting more respect these days, as the insurance company denied him permission to be pushed off the back of a truck by a running treadmill machine. They wound up going with sand-filled overalls (named Torys sand-in by Kari) instead. In 2014, the insurance company refused to let the Build Team test a myth by playing tennis on the wings of an airplane in flight. They built a set of wings, mounted them on a truck trailer, and drove down a runway instead. Motor Mouth. Adam has a tendency towards this, particularly when hes describing what a rig is supposed to do. Mouthful of Pi. In the Prison Escape myth, Grants prisoner number is 3.14. Karis is 5150 (the California code for an involuntary psychiatric hold, the LA police code for a false alarm, the title of a Black Sabbath song, as well as the title of a Van Halen song and album. Most recently, it was the title of a hit song by Dierks Bentley that came out in 2012). Torys is 000 . Ms. Fanservice. Kari Byron, though to their credit they dont overdo that angle. Of course, that hasnt stopped them from mentioning (and showing pictures from) her FHM photoshoot. The trope is parodied when the narrator mentions that one of the cast will have to get fitted for a bra. Cut to Torys hairy chest, with a bra on it. And let us not forget her first appearance on the show was getting her butt computer scanned . She also attempted to use a happiness punch to make goats faint it only affected Tory, sadly. Multiple-Choice Past. Occasionally when Adam makes up tidbits regarding Jamies prior jobs/personal history. Jamie himself will chime in with an alternate scenario. Adam: Does this remind you of when you used to count money for the mob Jamie: I was a hitman. I wasnt a money counter. Mundane Utility : During a presentation, Adam expressed great interest in testing more mundane myths, like comparing consumer products to see which ones perform better or whether they perform up to the standards their manufacturers claim. However, it will never happen because the executives are afraid of losing their sponsors or getting sued. The closest they get is when a myth item wont work, and they compare that to a consumer product (such as keys, cellphone, or shoe to break a window underwater none worked, but the store-bought breakers worked every time.) In the break-in special, the Build Team attempts to bypass a motion sensor, but their first attempt (a chicken suit made from shag carpeting) fails. The next thing they try is their bottom of the barrel, never gonna work idea: holding up a bedsheet. Es klappt. The Munchausen. Jamie My Car Hates Me. Substitute R/C car, rocket, rig, Death Ray etc. then again, considering the number of these things that explode, crash or otherwise are broken, itd hardly be surprising. My Friends. and Zoidberg. 9 strong MythBusters and Adam. Nausea Fuel. invoked This shows up occasionally for the cast depending on the myth(s) being tested: Adam is very prone to seasickness, and just about every episode thats had him on a boat has shown him throwing up. He even puked in the rig during the killer whirlpool episode. Grant has also gotten sick in a few episodes, thanks to the motion sickness test chair. The Earwax Candle had the entire Build Team gagging, and Grant has confirmed it as his most disgusting myth to date. Kari is a pescetarian (as per That Other Wiki ) and is visibly miserable whenever they do a myth that involves copious amounts of meat. Usually because they mutilate it with swords or explosives. Neat Freak. Jamie A sign Jamie put up in M5 says it all, Clean Up Or Die. During one build, Adam broke Jamies lathe. Watching the next clip, of Jamie talking to the camera, its hard to tell if hes more upset about the damage to an expensive machine, or the fact that Adam didnt sweep up the sawdust. Neologism. Adam sometimes makes up words when he finds theres no word to describe the ridiculous awesomeness of the moment. Nerd Glasses. Adam. Never Bareheaded. Jamie has this reputation, though he doesnt quite fit the strict definition. That said, though, beret on is his default appearance, to the point that when he accepted a honorary PhD fans and students alike wondered if hed wear his beret or an academic cap to the ceremony. His beret. Never Live It Down. invoked The show sometimes digs up old clips of Adams previous acting work when he was a child. Torys little mishap where he faceplanted while riding the bicycle also counts. Never Smile at a Crocodile. Subverted the team expected crocodiles to be a lot more dangerous than they actually were. In Crocodile Escape, a myth where they tried to test whether you could escape a crocodile chasing you by running in a zigzag, no crocodiles chased them, and they concluded that zigzagging isnt really worth the effort because you really escape from crocodiles by staying out of the water. They dont chase people (or even animals) for large distances on land. Nice Hat : Jamies distinctive beret really makes him stand out in a crowd. As Adam mentioned in a behind-the-scenes special, When we go out together, Jamie and I, I get recognized about twice as much as when Im alone, because I might that guy from that show, but he is without a doubt that guy from that show. Adams fedora and cowboy hat also qualify, although they dont get nearly the attention that Jamies beret does. Jamie invokes this trope when Adam puts on a Spartan helmet, and again after Adam makes a hat from duct tape. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero. Common, usually before the device is even completed. But they just soldier on whenever it happens. One time, Adam needed to chop a bunch of stuff out of a car so the guys could add a safety rig. He got carried away with the saw and chopped out the power line to the fuel pump. which then had to be replaced, because they needed the car to run. Hoppla. Nightmare Fuel. invoked According to Adam, in the Underwater Car Escape episode, watching Adam up close as he struggled in a vain attempt to escape a sinking car filling with water was a horrifying enough image to Jamie that he couldnt sleep that night. Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot. In 2010 Grant created a humanoid robot skeleton named Geoff Peterson to serve as a Non-Human Sidekick for Craig Ferguson on CBS The Late Late Show . No, Except Yes. While testing methods of stopping a runaway car, the Build Team decide to come up with their own devices. Torys is a hood-mounted hook used to drag the other vehicle to a halt. Kari . Your idea of a safe stop is to shank me . Tory . More like harpooning. Non-Indicative Name. The Warning8212Science Content label usually precedes the MythBusters discussing the historical, and not scientific, context of a myth. quotNo. Just. Noquot Reaction. When they first tried to test the Rocket Car myth, the U. S. Air Force sent them two letters denying them assistance. Justified, in that nobody knew who they were back then, Federal Law prohibits the sale of that sort of ordnance to civilians, and they were asking for something thats barely one warhead short of a missile, less than two years after 9/11. No Swastikas. The Hindenburg replica just had white circles on its tail. Noodle Implements. Theyve had some very odd ingredient lists when testing myths, though ultimately this trope is subverted because the use for each material is shown. Lampshaded once, when Kari was asked by Tory and Grant to name what a set of items had in common: creamer, cheese, leather, chicken, duct tape, and a steel pipe. Her first two (incorrect) answers were Saturday night at Adam Savages house and Saturday night at Jamie Hyneman s house. Correct Answer Cannon all of them had been used in association with cannons in previous myths, either as payload or construction material (except leather, which was the subject of the current cannon myth). Noodle Incident. During Cheese Cannon, Kari states that they havent used cheese as ammunition before. She then clarifies that she hasnt, and that she doesnt know whether either of the others has. Grant hasnt. But Tory has. And he doesnt care to talk about it. Odd Couple. Jamie and Adam respect each other, work well together and have excellent chemistry, but they have both said that they arent particularly good friends. You can kind of sense it with a few projects theyve done. Coworkers, collaborators, maybe even comrades, but not friends. Adam elaborated on this in an interview with Indoor Boys : Our partnership is based on a deep mutual respect. . And we trust each other more than almost anybody else. But a partnership isnt a friendship. Its based on very different rules. And its a very different kind of relationship than an emotional relationship. Emotions do play a part in it, but a very different part. Offscreen Teleportation. Done in the 2012 Halloween special. At one point, a camera revolves around Adam Savage a couple times as he wonders where Jamie is. As the camera dollies around, Jamie is nowhere to be seen. Then, the camera pans in the opposite direction, revealing Jamie right next to (and slightly behind) Adam. Oh Crap. The MythBusters have scared themselves from time to time. It happens whenever there is a malfunction in the rig theyve set up for some large scale project. But the two biggest ones happened during the Demolition Derby special. A semi-truck went off its tow cable and was about 30 feet from going into Alameda Bay if the grass bank hadnt been there to slow it down it likely would have. When they tested the Instant Convertible trope by running a car underneath a semi-trailer it worked too well 8212 the car easily cruised underneath the trailer but the brake system intended to stop the car after the collision failed. The car then hit the dirt embankment behind the trailer at near full speed, and launched over it like a missile. Tory and Kari went from cheering about the successful test to shocked and wide-eyed speculation about the potentially disastrous ramifications. Thankfully, there was nothing on the other side of the embankment, which was likely one of the design concerns when E-Tech built the test track. Tory . Whats on the other side of that berm Kari . Uh oh. Non-dairy creamer cannon, and the gigantic fireball resulting from it. Grant went so far as to request clean underwear . Jamies reaction to his difficulties in crossing the duct tape bridge. Made even worse by his fear of heights. Poor Jamie. At the end of The Green Hornet Special, they blow up a front-loader. In one shot, one of the explosives experts is standing behind and to the right of the bunker when the explosion occurs it starts raining parts, and he takes two steps to the left. A minor one at first blush, but really serious when you think about it. One early myth the build team tackles solo involves some gunplay. So for a control, they head out to the parking lot and start firing guns. It doesnt take long for someone to start yelling at them, asking if they have permission to be firing guns in a commercial parking lot shared with several other businesses. That particular test comes to a very quick halt. Discharging a firearm within city limts, without a really good reason, is a rather serious offense. Also see the entry for Gone Horribly Wrong . Oh Wait. While testing a miniature steam cannon, it fires a tennis ball and wedges it behind a pipe on the ceiling, leading to this quote:Adam . Its wedged in there like, I dont know if I could build something that could wedge it in there that hard. oh, apparently I did. One I Prepared Earlier. During the Jaws Special, Adam was talking to the camera about the method he was using to build a fake shark, and pulled out a mockup hed prepared earlier. O. O.C. Is Serious Business. When the rest of the team (sans Jamie) give Adam a powerful shock as a practical joke, the normally genial Adams look of genuine shock and anger followed by his stomping out of the room clued them in that they messed up bad . Adam later gave an interview where he revealed it wasnt the Build Teams idea, the producer made them do it . and it terrified and pissed him off to such an extent that the entire crew was mad for him, and when instructed to follow Adam, told the producer where he could shove that idea. In a show where they shamelessly recorded decapitation of dead animals, devices that can kill people, Kari undergoing Chinese Water Torture (she volunteered, but it reportedly bothered her for at least a few days until the bruises on her wrists faded), and Adam vomiting multiple times due to seasickness, even they decided it would be crossing the line to bother him after what went down. That producer is no longer with the show. Make of that what you will. Speaking of Karis water torture, when Kari reaches the point where she says she doesnt want to do it anymore (at which point shes starting to cry), Tory immediately says theyre to get her out. Opt Out. Tory asked if he could do this with the FMRI lie detector after he learned the punishment for failure (see Cool and Unusual Punishment above). Unfortunately for Tory, the answer was no. Out-of-Character Moment : Fans will most likely already label Jamie as calm, cool and collected, harboring a staunch and unwavering personality in stark contrast to the rest of the group. But long-time viewers who watch very closely will notice during experiments that concern the element of surprise (e. g. waiting for explosions), Jamie is pretty jumpy when the shock happens, which is more obvious next to Adam, whos pretty composed when the surprise occurs. This was actually an issue in the Unarmed and Unharmed myth, where Jamie dropped the gun on two counts. Also, for a test regarding alkali metals in a water-filled bathtub : Grant : Okay, but instead of a bathtub, we should do a toilet . You know, like how you used to throw cherry bombs down the toilet in high school. Tory : Yeah, well, I wouldnt know anything about that I was too busy studying chemistry. (beat ) Kari: . What is this Opposite land Painful Body Waxing. When they were retesting whether socks could be knocked off with enough force, and in order to see if leg hair had an effect, Tory had one of his legs waxed so the Busters could compare them. According to Tory, the hot wax wasnt too bad, but yanking the hair out was . Persona Non Grata. During the Knock Your Socks Off myth, they set off an explosion for the final phase of the experiment, and everyone, including their explosive experts on location, underestimated just how big the shockwave would be. In nearby Esparto, California, it ended up knocking people off sofas, setting off car alarms, breaking windows and knocking down ceiling tiles, and the news reported that the MythBusters had leveled the town. Grant: And thats why we can never go to Esparto again. Pirates. Two entire episodes devoted to pirate myths. Pixellation : Often done to obscure labels on chemical bottles. Adam: This ingredient is made of blur. And this has some blur in it too. Blur is very dangerous you should never mix blur with blur. Also done to preventing lip-reading of cusswords prior to the last two seasons. This is apparently expensive enough that when doing a test that involved a lot of cursing (to see if it helped one handle pain), Adam built an in-universe version of it 8212 a mouth-guard helmet with Symbol Swearing on it. Done again in the Breaking Bad special. They busted the shows dissolving a body in hydrofluoric acid trick, but it turns out the more-powerful sulfuric acid mixed with. something else. will do the trick (but still wont dissolve a bathtub.) The chemical added to the sulfuric acid was referred to as special sauce and the label pixelated. As Jamie put it, the MythBusters are not in the business of telling you how to dispose of a dead body. Politician Guest Star. Barack Obama invited Adam and Jamie to the White House Library to request they retest Archimedes Death Ray AGAIN using child labor - I mean hundreds of middle school science students aiming individual mirrors. The report back to the president was obviously filmed right after the opening segment. Amusingly, the president was upstaged by the next episode, which featured guest star Seth Rogen. Power Trio. The Build Team. Might have been literally invoked during the Gorn Cannon myth if not for Karis maternity leave. (Jessi ended up playing Janice Rand in her place.) The Kirk 8212 Tory The Spock 8212 Grant The McCoy 8212 Kari The Power of Rock : Theyve proven that hardcore, to the bone death metal makes plants grow better than silence, kind or mean words, or classical music. Rocker Jaime Vendera broke a glass with the power of his voice alone. Power Walk. Most episodes usually end this way, with Adam and Jamie and/or Kari, Grant, and Tory walking away from the smoldering aftermath of their main event myth. Pretty in Mink. When testing out James Bond myths, Kari put on an evening gown with a fur wrap, just to get that classic Bond Girl look. Production Foreshadowing. During one of the Seconds from Disaster tests, Tory pretends to check the terms of his contract. Little did we know that right around the time the episode aired, contract terms for the Build Team were getting checked for realz. Product Placement. Happening in the later seasons, thankfully during commercials and not in the show itself. Its still blatant because they arent actors playing characters, they are themselves, so Tory trying to prove the superiority of his diesel VW just reeks of Money, Dear Boy. Averted in the show itself, depending on the myth involved, as no company wants their product to be the one shown to be a) defective, b) dangerous, c) both (a) and (b), or d) used in an embarrassing myth. Most notably soda, which is even stranger when you get to the Mentos/Diet Coke myth they still couldnt mention the brand on air, but everybody knows what it was anyway. Actually, the narrator uses Diet Coke and Mentos throughout that entire episode. Its only during the actual testing that they used the term diet cola and mint candies, indicating that by the time they got around to recording the narration for the episode theyd managed to get the necessary clearances to use the brand names. Adam and Jamie used the real names in a later episode. They arent shy about revealing the brand names of some of the equipment, or tools they use in busting some of their myths. Consistent examples include the ShockWatch shock indicator stickers and the OSECO burst discs. In the episode devoted to Big Rig myths, theres a loving shot of a Freightliner trucks logo and even have one of their employees talking about how many hours went into designing its streamlining. The test was filmed at the Freightliner test track, as was skipping a car across water. Two entire episodes were basically extended promos for the show Storm Chasers and the film The Green Hornet . beziehungsweise. Spoofed in one episode: After accidentally causing minor damage to a suppliers property, the camera focuses on stores name and the announcer apologetically offers the business some free advertising. The minor property damage It was done to the very sign they focused on at the end (thankfully repaired by that point). Promotion to Opening Titles. The Build Team. They were promoted to full MythBuster status initially, then demoted back down to being the Build Team (though they remained in the opening titles). Punctuated For Emphasis. Regarding a bullet-dumping robot:Pungeon Master. Just about everyone, but especially the narrator, Kari, and Jamie. Put on a Bus : Scottie, Jessi and the Mythterns all left without much fanfare. Also happened to the entire Build Team (Grant, Kari, and Tory) in the last episode of the 2014 season. Pyramid Power. Does fruit stored in a pyramid rot more slowly Can pyramids sharpen razor blades The MythBusters test them to find out Answer: no. After this one, Adam opined that he wasnt a fan of such oogie-boogie myths, and declared that there would be no more such nonsense on the show (its perfectly fine with the nonsense its got). In the end-of-series reunion special, everyone bemoaned testing these myths. Raised Hand of Survival. At the end of the Halloween special, Jamie and Adam walk away from the grave where they just buried a simulaid (in a spandex body suit to protect it). and a hand clad in the same spandex pushes up out of the dirt. Rated M for Manly. Guns, explosions, robots, redheads and manly mustaches galore Reality Is Unrealistic. Possibly behind some of the fan complaints when the MythBusters bust a commonly-believed myth. In addition, some myths that are busted on the show are actually true. (In general, either they revisit the myth at some point and demonstrate its true, or its something that they know happened but cant replicate no matter how hard they try.) They also did a test comparing various Stock Sound Effects with the real-life thing theyre supposed to be representing. Most of them didnt sound the same, but the rattlesnake actually did They recorded a rattlesnake themselves and it sounded almost exactly like the rattlesnake sound they were testing. One of the more outlandish cases theyve tested was in Dirty vs. Clean Car . where the myth was that a car covered in crud would achieve a golf ball-like effect to reduce drag and thus make the car more fuel-efficient. Reality Ensues when the simple weight of the crud adds drag to the car, which surprised no one. But thats not the shocking part: the twist comes when they did their routine Up to Eleven and made a heavy clay cover with golf ball dimples carved into it (with the carved clay placed inside the car for consistent weight). and it worked . improving fuel efficiency by 11 when compared to the previous test where the clay covering was unaltered, and laughing in the face of decades of effort and belief that a streamline car chassis gives better mileage. Reality Show. Especially with first season of the revival series. Recycled In SPACE. Testing whether or not cars explode when they fall off a cliff is Every Car Is a Pinto in a slightly different context. Remember When You Blew Up a Sun. Any time the MythBusters are about to set off a particularly big explosion, the first of these, the cement truck from Cement Mix-Up, is always going to be brought up, by the narrator if no one else. Same goes for any time the big booms of the series are brought up. Retcon. They are willing to re-examine older myths when the fans complain about something they supposedly got wrong when they originally tested them, if it can be proven they didnt adhere to the spirit of the myth, didnt use proper/enough equipment, or simply didnt go far enough (laughable, granted, but possible). So far about 60 percent of the retested myths have remained busted, while the others have been either outright confirmed (proving the MythBusters got it wrong originally) or some footnote about a plausible verdict that comes from stretching the boundaries of the myth. Some notable examples: The myth of the barrel of a rifle splitting like a banana peel if you stuck your finger in it it was busted even with welding an iron spike into the barrel, but a revisit showed a sniper rifle fired with an alignment laser still in the barrel was enough for the split.) The myth involving the plausibility of a Scope Snipe was retested using a Vietnam-vintage scope, since the most well-publicized occurrence of the feat was Carlos Hathcocks shot, which the sniper admitted was a fluke. For an example for a retested myth that remained busted, the myth of Archimedes solar Death Ray was retested after massive Internet Backdraft with the MythBusters actually telling the complainers to put their money where their mouth was and come on the show to prove it was possible. They couldnt. And at the end, a team composed of the MythBusters, MIT, and one viewer set up an array of bronze mirrors (only things available at that time period) and attempted to set fire to an accurately made Roman ship that was actually in the water. Even after hours of coordinated efforts nothing happened other then some smoke. In the end, they set fire to the ship by tossing a jar of burning fuel at it. This myth even got another re-test, with none other than Barack Obama himself requesting it. Its still busted, though Jamie did comment that all of the mirrors on shore were blinding him (he was on the boat in a fire-resistant suit). He cited that as the kernel of truth from whence the myth came. Firing frozen chickens from a chicken cannon: they ran no less than four different tests on this one, over the course of two episodes. Two were inconclusive due to faulty testing materials (the first test involved firing chickens at airplane windshields they later found were not rated for birdstrike the third involved firing chickens at foam cubes that turned out to not be uniform), and a third, initially used as a definitive test, turned out to be a red herring (the second test involved firing chickens at a solid concrete wall and measuring the time it took for the impact to be absorbed). The final, definitive test involved shooting the chickens at a stack of twelve glass sheets and seeing how many broke. The two thawed chickens they fired broke two of the twelve sheets in the stack the two frozen chickens punched a clean hole straight through their stacks. One of these clean-throughs can be seen in the background of the blueprint room in later episodes. Re Tool. Occurred in 2015/Season 10. The Build Team was let go, the shows set of graphics effects was overhauled, and more of a focus is placed on the process of building the rigs and equipment used to test the myths. Revival. Just days after the finale aired, The Science Channel announces that they plan to reboot the show. Given the date, many thought it was an April Fools Day Prank. However, given that there have been no retractions and how prolific the news was, and that Discovery has started to officially leak out information about the revival as its being filmed as of September 2016, its safe to assume Mythbusters currently holds the record for the fastest show to be revived by a network. Ridiculously Cute Critter : Jamies little marching helmet robots from Breakstep Bridge. Jamie: They were kinda cute, werent they Adam: They were very cute Cute For Science Robot Baby Buster used in the multitasking myth on Battle of the Sexes, Round 2. Riding into the Sunset. Many episodes end with Adam and Jamie walking into the sunset, sometimes leaving behind a label that shows the verdict of the last myth they tested. Originally this was a coincidence, as it often took so long to get certain tests to work without the wrong parts blowing up that they would often film until they ran out of light. Later, they did it on purpose just because it was a good way to close out a show. The trope was lampshaded and averted in Blown out of the Water, when getting a mine to blow up a boat was only finally filmed after the sun had already set, and the duo just stood around awkwardly. Robosexual. Grant, as much as they can milk it in a PG-rated show. Rock Beats Laser. The testing for some myths show that sometimes simpler solutions can beat or outperform their more advanced rivals. Case in point, the tests to see what could defeat a state-of-the-art motion sensor. Every convoluted plot the Build Team tried failed utterly. They then found (to their surprise) that a bedsheet held in front of the movement source could fool the motion sensor. note The motion sensor works by emitting ultrasonic pulses and measuring the time it takes for them to return a time thats shorter than that produced when the room is empty will trigger the alarm. The bedsheet absorbed the pulses rather than reflecting them, thus the sensor didnt hear anything unusual. An infra-red detector was also defeated, not by wearing heavy clothing, carbon-dioxide fire extinguishers or covering ones body in mud. but by placing a piece of glass in front of the detector, blocking the infra-red rays. Room 101 : Referenced by the narrator in a segment examining self-hypnosis, when Adam and the build team were testing Internet self-hypnosis tapes, Adam using one to get over his fear of bees. The control involved Adam sticking his arm in a box filled with bees. Long time fans may also remember a similar event as a finale to the Daddy Long Legs myth to help Adam with his (supposed) arachnophobia. Rube Goldberg Device. Building these is what they do on the rare occasions they dont blow stuff up. Discovery mandated Jamie and Adam host a new show, Unchained Reaction . which is based around this concept 8212 to their disdain . Rule of Cool. Does the experiment really call for several hundred pounds of explosives packed in a cement truck Not really, but damn if it isnt awesome. Adam . ( after being told that attaching rockets to a swing set was spectacular ) Well, hopefully, thats our job to attach rockets to everything. In the Hurricane Windows episode, before exploding a tree: Grant . In the name of science. and all things cool, were gonna do it anyway. Rule of Funny. Why Adam 8212 and Kari, Tory and Grant (to a lesser extent) 8212 are there in the first place if the show didnt have to be entertaining, itd just be a bunch of Jamies. This is precisely why Adam is on the show to begin with Jamie has stated in a number of interviews that he brought Adam in because he sincerely believed he couldnt lead the show on his own due to him not being funny enough. To his credit, he may very well have been right (not that the Bereted One cant pass a good laugh on his own, its just that his interactions with Adam are where the comedy gold is - a straight man is only funny when theres a funny man too). Running Gag : Not intentionally, but how many times have they crashed through the fence 8212 no, not a fence, the same fence 8212 at the Alameda Naval Air Station Lampshaded by Grant in the Road Rage episode. Grant Who wants to bet a cars going through a fence today After the test Shoulda taken that bet. Theres a compilation of clips on the Discovery web page entitled Yes, we do have the fence company on speed dial. Tory doing a Scarface Say hello to my little friend with every cannon or cannon-like thing that gets built. As noted above, Adam taking advantage of Helium Speech whenever helium is used on the show. And here we see the Hyneman in his natural habitat. Science Foils. Both this series and shows based on it seem to follow this mold, except that the two guys are the main focus of the show. They tend to have largely overlapping but distinct areas of expertise, with personalities that make them a bit of an Odd Couple (and which may be exaggerated to give the show a semblance of drama). Sean Connery Is About to Shoot You. The cover photo 9674 on the Season 5 DVD features Adam doing this with his homemade paper crossbow. Self-Deprecation. When they confirm the myth that women have a higher pain threshold than men, Adam lets the weaker sex have it. Serial Escalation. Often done while testing a myth, due to the shows method of first replicating the myth (which rarely works the way it claims), and then attempting to scale things up enough to get the result that the myth describes. Shirtless Scene. The entire male cast has gotten a handful of these over the shows run (Jamie in the tree cannon episode, for example). Shout-Out : The Cold Open for the Grand Finale episode references Pulp Fiction . specifically the glowing MacGuffin briefcase in the film (in this case, one of the storage boxes at M-5). The Stinger for the final final episode, the MythBusters cast reunion, is a recreation of the shawarma-eating scene which was the stinger in The Avengers . Shrouded in Myth. Jamie, at least according to Adam. Adam: Its been said that this crater is not unlike the one left by Jamie when he first came to Earth. Siege Engines : The boys recreated a Hwacha. or multiple arrow launcher. They also made a trebuchet out of an old boom lift. It didnt work so well. In the final season, they made a trebuchet out of duct tape (and lumber). Thanks to properly considered engineering, it worked a lot better. Sigil Spam. Though it is probably more for legal reasons than anything else, MythBusters does this with just about every material they use that isnt gonna get blown up/crushed/shot in the next five minutes (by replacing that things logo/name with references to MythBusters ). They even lampshade it every now and then:Adam . I only drink MythBusters brand cola Similar to the Show. Product Placement has involved the Build Team busting myths for one of the shows sponsors at the start of a commercial break. A Simple Plan. Several myths have proven far more difficult to test than they originally thought. Despite the Plan. The MythBusters usually manage to pull it together and get a valid or workable result. One example notable for its sheer improbability: the Build Teams attempts to test vodka as a cure for poison oak. In theory, its a simple test: expose a person to poison oak, then use a commercial balm on one part of the affected area, vodka on another section, and leave a third area clear as a control. First they used Tory as a guinea pig. No rash. Then they tried Adam. Again, no rash. So they tried it on Grant. Yet again, no rash. As a result, they drafted three members of their production crew. Only one of the three (researcher John Hunt ) actually got a rash. Five of six human guinea pigs did not respond to being exposed to poison oak (90 of the population being vulnerable). On top of that, Tory and Grant were previously known to be allergic . and yet failed to get a rash. Sixth Ranger : Jessi. She filled in for Kari, but was more Gearhead over Wrench Wench . Theres also their stable of frequently-contacted experts: former FBI agent Frank Doyle, Bomb Squad Sgt. J. D. Nelson, rocketry expert Erik Gates (may he Rest in Peace), Firearms expert Lt. Alan Normandy, and audio engineer Dr. Roger Schwenke. Series announcer Robert Lee is more of a Spirit Advisor. he explains all the myths and narrates the action and can only be heard by the audience (except when it would be funny for him to be an Interactive Narrator instead, usually with Adam). He also offers advice to the MythBusters, but because his narration recorded after the fact they tend to ignore it, often to their own peril. Slap Yourself Awake. Proved true slapping yourself sobers you up a bit. The Smurfette Principle. Originally averted 8212 in the first season there were only three regular cast members, namely Adam, Jamie and Heather Joseph-Witham. Then in the second and early third season there was actually an equal gender split, with Adam, Jamie, Kari, Scottie, Tory and Christine all appearing on a regular basis. Played straight since Scottie and Christine left however, with Kari (and, during her pregnancy, Jessi) being the only regular female cast member. Solar-Powered Magnifying Glass. Three different times82122004, 2006, and 2010 at the request of President Barack Obama 8212the show tested the Archimedes Death Ray. The legend holds that Archimedes once helped the Greeks fend off a Roman fleet by using mirrors to focus light from the sun, and thus setting fire to Roman ships. All three times the myth was busted, as the show determined that there is just no way for people holding mirrors to focus light well enough to set fire to a wooden ship. Something Completely Different. A couple episodes are just padding, like the Clip Show highlighting Busters long (and painful) career and him being rebuilt a la The Six Million Dollar Man . Other times they substitute one of the myths they do in an episode and do something different like having a contest between two teams on building a hovercraft using leaf blowers, and once Jamie and Adam decided to just do a holiday special Rube Goldberg contraption. The behind-the-scenes episodes hold a special place: for example, the Shop-Til-You-Drop special showed where the MythBusters obtain a good portion of all their trinkets and doo-dads, as well as small peeks into the homes of the hosts there isnt much difference between Jamies home and one of the part warehouses. Sound Effect Bleep. Used for both covering swearing and hiding the name of ingredients to dangerous substances. Kari . I add a half-ounce of donkey noise to a half-ounce of rooster crow slowly . Narrator . And when you add donkey to rooster, you get a violent reaction Lampshaded by Adam in Hindenburg Disaster on making thermite: Adam . This ingredient is made of blur. Ha And this has blur in it too. Blur is very dangerous. You dont wanna mix blur with blur. Adam . Remember, everyday objects can be made lethal if Jamie builds a cannon and shoots them at you. Special Guest. Primarily athletes brought in for myths requiring their abilities, though other celebrities sometimes appear. Spell My Name with an S. Several of the cast members. Kari Byron, not Kary or Carrie. Tory Belleci, not Tori. Scottie Chapman. Jessi Combs. Spent Shells Shower. Any time automatic weapons are fired or semi-auto weapons are fired rapidly in Bullet Time. viewers will see spent brass flying/falling away, with the best example being the M134 minigun used in Shooting Fish In a Barrel and Cutting Down a Tree. Spin-Off : Head Rush . which ran on the Science Channel during daytime hours. It consisted of recut MythBusters episodes with the commercial breaks replaced with school-grade science quizzes and try-at-home experiments and was hosted by Kari, who was clearly there for Parent Service. Obviously aimed at a younger audience, it had more censorship, not just of language but also of the how to make explosives portions of the show, as well as, for some reason, the Product Placement . Adam and Jamie also hosted Unchained Reaction . which showed teams making various Rube Goldberg devices . Square/Cube Law. Discussed previously in several other myths where they had to scale down miniatures based on size and mass, and explained during the Titanic myth by Adam (and earlier by Jamie for Lead Balloon). Squick In-universe: Several myth tests involving animal parts have grossed out the cast, especially Kari. The shows got a bad tendency to repeatedly show the cast getting hurt in one test, Tory struck his shin on a window ledge hard enough to require several stitches, and the impact and his bloodstained jeans were shown over and over again. One very funny example was in an episode where Grant and Tory took a long, fleshy object out of its container and began to examine it. Few myths have been quite as revolting to watch as the human earwax candle, in part because of the nauseated reactions of the cast and crew (especially Grant, who nearly threw up). Grant has mentioned in a promo that hell never forget the horrible smell of the earwax burning. The can you get the smell of death out of a car episode where they left a pig carcass in a sports car long enough for it to thoroughly decompose. Everyone that worked on that was wearing protective clothing and respirators and they were still reeling from the smell (and the ammonia), and even people in buildings around the area were visibly disgusted by the stench. Dissolving a pig carcass in supercharged sulfuric acid to test Walt Whites preferred way to dispose of dead bodies. Jamie called the resulting black slop the most disgusting thing hes ever seen. Despite using a synthetically created substance that mimics fecal matter (and in a teal color one would hope never to see in real feces), the when poo hits the fan, everything gets covered tests it was still rather unsettling to think what would happen if that was crap hitting the fan (especially since Adam describes one of the softer samples as being the same as when his dog eats soft food). Jamie also got into the art of creating neat little poo patties which. look like stereotypical poo piles. During a promo, Tory mentioned that the refrigerator truck that was storing the ingredients for Meat Man had been turned off overnight, and that he had to build it using spoiled meat. Start My Own : Adam and Jamie try to start their own YouTube fad during the Diet Coke and Mentos myth. They fail, as none of their attempts are feasible and/or safe to do with stuff lying around the home. Adam attempts to use a smoke bomb of Jamies design to get revenge on Kari and Tory for their Baghdad Batteries stunt. He fails miserably, and winds up being chased off with a fire extinguisher. Stealth Pun. In the final episode, when Adam prepares to drive a giant wedge through their entire collection of old props, The Final Countdown starts up. Since this was the last stunt they ever filmed for the show, it literally was the final countdown. Stock Footage. Very common in the early episodes, presumably to save money and pad out the length. Its become such a defining feature of the show that even though they can afford more expensive footage, they still use at least one piece of stock footage during the setup for each myth. They usually rely on custom-made animation to demonstrate myths that came from television shows and movies, which theyll replay a few times during the episode. But either due to the budget or their reputation, they are increasingly being allowed to use the actual television and film clips in the show. The Stoic. Jamie, with Stoic Spectacles for good measure. The most glaring example of such was during the Battle of the Sexes myth, where all five MythBusters had to be photographed while portraying different emotions. Jamie was thrown out as a subject because all his photos had the same neutral expression. Rob Lee . Coming next on MythBusters . Jamies human emotion firmware requires an upgrade. Stuff Blowing Up. Some have joked that their methodology comes down to, Lets try it again with 2 tons of TNT. Also, see Rule of Cool. Jamie . Thats what we do here on MythBusters . We blow BLEEP up Tory . Its MythBusters . We havent had an explosion yet. Damit. Suspiciously Similar Substitute. Jessi Combs is a thin blonde, has some tattoos, is proficient in welding and vehicle mechanics, and even copied Scotties shipping-container-into-ramp trick that she did for the 2nd attempt at the JATO Rocket Car myth. Swivel-Chair Antics. Occurred a few times. The most famous, which was sampled in the intro in some episodes, involved Jamie using a pair of malamutes to pull him around the building. Not shown in the intro was the part where the chair snagged on a door frame and Jamie kept going. Symbol Swearing. Invoked in the episode which tested whether or not swearing helps you tolerate pain. Since the show blurs lips to prevent lipreading, this would have caused the episodes video editing budget to go way, way up. To help prevent this, Adam build a swear shield covered in Symbol Swearing to cover up their mouths. Blur is expensive bleeps are cheap Tap on the Head. Averted when they tested whether hitting somebody in the head with an empty beer bottle was more dangerous than a full one. The least you would get would be a nasty concussion and lacerations from the broken glass. However, in the case of the full beer bottle, if it doesnt cave in your skull, you could still suffer catastrophic brain damage. Their initial testing showed that even hitting someone who was wearing a football helmet over the head with a beer bottle was too dangerous for them to do for real. Tattoo as Character Type. Both Scottie and Jessi are experienced mechanics and welders, traditionally a male dominated field, and carry a good number of tattoos to show for it. Scotties tattoos were also referenced in an experiment about iron-heavy tattoo ink exploding in an MRI. Taught by Experience. Failure is always an option. Taught by Television. The MythBusters have spoken of being told by fans that things theyve learned through watching the show have come in handy. One of the more commonly cited examples of this is people managing to escape from cars after accidents where they ended up in the water. Teeth-Clenched Teamwork. One might imagine that they are Heterosexual Life-Partners. but both Adam and Jamie have said that they dont like each other and dont spend any time together outside of work. On occasion, especially in the early episodes, this comes through onscreen. In the 10/19/2011 episode (Exuberent Excavators) Adam came flat out and said We work together well but we dont like each other. In a clip filmed in 2016, he mentioned that he and Jame drive each other batty and that they wouldnt be collaborating on any more projects. Television Is Trying to Kill Us. The frequent conclusion when testing a TV/movie myth. Tempting Fate : One example of this happens while preparing to retest Knock Your Socks Off. They need to see whether socks come off a smooth leg easier than a hairy leg, and to that end Tory is having one of his legs waxed. Kari . (applying the wax) Hows that feel Tory . (moments before having the hairs yanked out of his leg without benefit of anesthesia) It actually feels kinda good. Whats so bad about waxing Happens twice in a row when testing if a gun dropped into hot frying oil will go off. First they drop the gun into 390 degree oil, but it doesnt go off within 15 seconds as they expect. After two minutes of waiting:Adam . Are you sure theres a bullet in there Jamie . Yes, theres - bang Then they put the gun into cold oil and start heating it. When it reaches 340 degrees:Adam . Okay, wed better start paying atten - bang Theme Tune Cameo. During the Supersized Myths special, the MythBusters used the shows theme tune to test a set of underwater speakers. Jamie, under the water in a shark cage, confirmed via radio that he was hearing the music clearly. Then he started dancing to the music. There Is No Kill Like Overkill. Their motto: If its worth doing, its worth over doing. They Fight Crime. Adam and Jamie. Hes an energetic funny guy, hes a stoic techy guy they Bust Myths. This Is Gonna Suck. Torys reaction whenever he gets volunteered for a potentially painful or dangerous test. Three Plus Two. Inverted. It started with Adam and Jamie, and then added the Power Trio build team. Tim Taylor Technology. Lets see. how about the time Jamie built a Microwave of Death by combining the magnetrons from six different microwaves Or the time they made a car fly using high pressure water. Jamie turned it up and up until he reached the limit of what the pumping substation could supply. Grants superhuman sword-swinging machine, or his punching robot. Titel Drop. Who are the MythBusters There are also title drops for individual myths. No Pain, No Gain has But you know what they say No pain, no gain.. And thats just one out of many. Tough Room. Most of the time when Adams being silly in the presence of Jamie (especially in the blueprint room), Jamie will express either indifference or annoyance at Adams antics, sometimes punctuated by a very loud cricket. Most of the time . Trapped in a Sinking Car. Episode Underwater Car and Inverted Underwater Car successfully test that cabin doors cannot be opened from the inside once a car has plunged into water. One has to wait for the pressure differential between the inside and outside to stabilize, which can take until the cabin is filled to the brim. Trope Overdosed Tropes of the Living Dead. October 2013 saw the MythBusters tackle several Zombie Apocalypse related myths. Brain Food. What their zombies are after. They even get some red jello brains at the end of the episode. (In an educational short partway through the episode, Tory notes that this is actually a misconception about most zombies most zombies actually hunger for any kind of human flesh.) Everythings Deader with Zombies. The whole point of the episode. Incongruously Dressed Zombie. In the zombie special, while theyre testing whether humans can outrun a zombie horde, the camera lingers briefly on a zombie extra in a wedding dress. Theres also one wearing military camo - in fact, its the one who catches Tory pretending to be one of them. Our Zombies Are Different. The MythBusters had to lay down ground rules as to just what kind of zombies the extras were supposed to play: slow speed. no intelligence. Pretend Were Dead. Tory tries this. It even works. For a little while. Removing the Head or Destroying the Brain. Jamie and Adam both try this to determine which zombie defense weapon type is better: ax or shotgun. Room Full of Zombies. All of the myths use this. Zombie Gait. An enforced slow shuffle is required of all the volunteer zombies. True Companions. The MythBusters are this. Adam has even acknowledged it during a QampA session . Truth in Television. The underlying point of the show. Turbine Blender. In one of the earlier seasons, they confirmed that an aircraft propeller Could shred a metal airplane fuselage like so much paper. When they decided to test whether a lawn mower could produce lethal debris when striking rocks, Jamie decided to take a lawn mower Up to Eleven. 4 X 50 horsepower electric car motors a 90-volt, 1500 Amp battery a 50 pound, 3 foot x 8 inch steel bar mower blade dancing across the range at 50 MPH, looking for ankles to eat . Two Lines, No Waiting. Usually the show intercuts between two (or more) myths, one worked on by Adam and Jamie, the other worked on by The Build Team with some minor crossovers here and there. Occasionally theyll team up and tackle one epic myth together. Undercrank. Used at times to indicate something happening over a long period of time, or the silver-on-blue doodles introducing each myth. Unpleasable Fanbase. invoked Actually Played for Laughs. Whenever the team revisits a myth, they joke that the fans are hounding them about how they did it wrong or didnt test all of the variables. Even during the You Spoof Discovery special, several MythBusters spoofs joked about how the fans were going to complain about how they didnt do it right. Sadly tho, this appears to be the fact for the revival. Fans should be happy that the show has been, for certain values, rescued from cancellation. Instead, theyre protesting the inevitable change that neither Adam and Jamie nor Kari, Tory and Grant are coming back, as well as the experimentation of making one season a reality TV show that focuses on the search for new hosts. Uncanny Valley. Pops up with a vengeance during the Latex Perfection myth, where both Adam and Jamie attempt to disguise themselves as each other using rubber masks. Up close, people can see right through the charade due to how deep they fall into this trope invoked . Up to Eleven. In the episode where they bust the myth that paper cannot be folded more than seven times, they fold it literally to eleven. Urban Legends. Testing them is kinda the point of the show. Not so much in later seasons, as a lot of the classic ULs arent really testable. (How do you test something like The Hook or Blue Star Acid ) Viewers Are Goldfish. Even though the MythBusters themselves busted the myth that goldfish have a memory that lasts only 3 seconds, they do seem to believe their viewers have very short memory spans. Over the course of an episode, the viewer is constantly reminded of what myth the team is testing and how they are testing it. (Which is partly the producers and directors fault, but also partly justified in that it lets viewers who tuned in late know whats going on.) Then there are the repetitions of ballistics gel is similar to human flesh. Although its just about reasonable to mention it every episode that uses ballistics gel, to inform any new viewers, the sometimes multiple repetitions in a single episode can sometimes get tedious. Lampshaded by Adam in Killer Cable Snap at the beginning of a segment: The myth weve been testing, in case you havent been paying attention. Vomit Indiscretion Shot. Adam becomes seasick multiple times, and such shots (with the actual vomiting only occasionally blurred out) are naturally shown to remind the viewers whenever Adam is about to go out on the water. Whenever Grant goes for a spin in the motion-sickness test chair, this is guaranteed to occur at least once. Warts and All. The show has no problem showing when the MythBusters screw up or do something ridiculous. However, it gets taken even further in the Behind the Scenes special the announcer even used the trope name to describe it. Water Torture. The team tested the Chinese water torture in one episode, restraining and racking Kari while leaving Adam unrestrained as a control subject. After an hour or so, poor Kari was so rattled the team called a halt early they declared it plausible and too dangerous to go for full confirmation. Weirdness Coupon. Nobody bats an eye at whatever weird things these guys do, because theyre the MythBusters and they do weird things. Jamie: Did you get any looks driving a truck full of pig corpses around. Adam: A few people did slow down and stare then they looked in the cabin, and went Oh. Its just MythBusters . Wham Episode. The aforementioned announcement of Kari, Grant and Torys departure. What Could Possibly Go Wrong : The narrator used it on the Car Off a Cliff myth, and something goes wrong. Invoked so Anviliciously prior to Tory riding a jet-powered skateboard as to pretty well telegraph the eventual subversion. Tory often says it before doing something you shouldnt try at home . Wheres the Kaboom. Theres a very good chance of this coming up during a myth if explosives are used at some point. Its pointed out that this can be one of the worst things that can happen because its unknown whether or not the kaboom will happen any second, making it unsafe to approach the area to determine whats going wrong. Subverted in a couple times, when it turned out that the amount of explosives the myth called for resulted in a boom so miniscule it wasnt even noticeable . (Sorry, Houston we didnt have a problem.) In one of these cases, it was played distressingly straight later that same episode. (Ah, Houston, me again. This time we really do have a problem.) Why Did It Have to Be Snakes : Adam goes on the ocean to test myths an awful lot for someone subject to violent seasickness. Adam volunteered to get himself bitten by Daddy Long-legs spiders despite his supposed arachnophobia (though the very fact that he allowed this to happen so readily makes him having actual arachnophobia highly unlikely). Interestingly, the next time Adam was confronted with spiders (tarantulas this time) he said hed gotten over his phobia of them since the Daddy Long-legs myth. In the Self-Hypnosis myth, Adam was forced to put his hand in a box of bees twice to see if self-hypnosis could cure him from his fear of bees. It didnt, but a later myth involving bees actually helped him a bit, thanks in part to the beekeeping outfit he was wearing for that one and some time spent testing with a single bee he was less nervous around the bees the second time. Perhaps something similar happened with his earlier arachnophobia. In another episode, Kari forces Grant to sit blindfolded with his feet in a bucket with live fish, because of his intense fear of them (they were testing driving performance under stress). Grants phobia was also on display when they were testing whether splashing around attracts sharks. Tory and Grant were the guinea pigs and each had to either float calmly or splash around. When it was Grants turn to splash around, he was visibly fearful and screaming for his life, especially when IT JUST TOUCHED ME Acrophobe Jamie spent most of the Hammer Drop myth on top of a crane, or jumping off a building in Dumpster Dive, or walking across a wobbly bridge made of duct tape . Invoked with Kari, a pescetarian who finds the very sight of meat repulsive (except when she was pregnant, when she reportedly couldnt get enough of her mothers beef stew ). Naturally, whenever testing a myth involves sheep heads/animal guts/pig stomachs/slabs of meat, Kari has to be present. To test the myth about Cold Feet, the Build Team were deliberately exposed to their greatest fears. Tory was put in a stunt plane, Grant had tarantulas dumped all over his face, and Kari was forced to eat live insects. Grant actually explains this in the Top 25 Mythbuster Moments Special. The producers intentionally do it, since their reactions make for good TV. Grant . on the producers They find your weakness. And they keep exploiting it They push it . Like a lil button Why We Cant Have Nice Things. Grant has used this exact line a few times, and the narrator has sometimes referred to the the MythBusters insurance premiums being high because of all the destruction they cause in the course of testing myths. Wildlife Commentary Spoof. Adam ribbing on Jamie, mostly. Grant also did it once (with Tory as the target) when testing the myth of the sand necktie. Adam also does a similar gag while guiding a big ballistics gel block through a swimming pool :Adam: . Now, the box jellyfish is one of the most lethal foes youll encounter in your average swimming pool. They prefer temperatures between 79 and 82 degrees, and they give a nasty sting. If you see one, just swim in the other direction, and remember: hes just as afraid of you. See Brand X above for straight examples. Wolverine Claws. Made by Kari for the myth of a kid being carried away by balloons, as well as the Duct Tape Plane. Wrench Wench. Kari and Scottie, in a real-world incarnation. While Kari was on maternity leave, Jessi Combs worked with Grant and Tory. From her bio . it looks like she qualifies for this trope as well. X Meets Y : Adam himself describes the show as Jackass meets Mr. Wizard. During the black powder line to the powder keg explosion myth, Adam described I like to live my life part as a cartoon character, part as an action hero, and this explosion satisfied both aspects of my personality. Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe. Ye Oldie Times You Have Got to Be Kidding Me. In an early episode Adam was working on the Chicken Cannon that involved welding a 4 ft. tall pipe standing vertically on what will become the tank for holding the air pressure. Adam paused for a moment to adjust his glasses and a piece came off and fell into the pipe. Adam just stared bemused into the narrow tube, then at the camera, then back to the tube. Twice in the first Battle of the Sexes episode For context: Theyre testing whether men or women are better at packing a car, and one of the items to be packed is a doll in a booster seat representing a child. Jamie: (seeing the doll buried under a mountain of luggage) Youve gotta be kidding Kari: (seeing the doll still outside the car) Really You forgot the baby When Kari tried to fool a motion detector with a bedsheet, this was their reaction when it worked perfectly. Manpower, Training and Development Our highly skilled, motivated and dedicated manpower is the strength of TTGA . This ensures us to uphold the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity to satisfy our esteem clients. Training and Development of our manpower is the core focus of our HRD deptt. Training about the new products / technologies keeps our employees updated and helps them achieve their goals. We also help them to make their career roadmap for their growth. Internal and External trainings are conducted to enhance the existing skills of our employees. These trainings help them remain competitive and also prepare them for greater challenges.
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